Chapter Twenty-Two - Irrational Desire

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"Morning, mum," I greeted, pecking her on the cheek as I entered the kitchen. She was stood in front of the fridge, eyeing its contents. She seemed to be debating what to eat for breakfast.

"Go watch TV or something," I told her, "I'll make eggs."

She closed the fridge before giving me a defiant expression. "Honey, I can cook."

"No, you're my guest," I insisted. I guided her from the kitchen which she didn't look too pleased about but wandered off nonetheless.

It was the morning before Christmas Eve, meaning my parents had been staying with me and Phil for four days.

I loved them and everything, but I found living with them exhausting, completely unlike I remembered. On most days I wanted to hang out with Phil just the two of us and we weren't able to display much affection with them around. He was incredibly alluring which made everything ten times harder.

As much as I loved holidays too, I wanted Christmas to be over so they could leave. It sounded rude, but maybe I'd matured enough that I wouldn't be able to live with my parents anymore even if I had to.

It was earlier than I usually woke up since I wanted to be awake to keep my mum company. Phil and my dad were still fast asleep meaning I had to make breakfast quietly.

After clashing pots around while looking for a pan—cringing at the noise—I started the process of making breakfast. I cracked eggs into a bowl and just as I was whisking them, someone startled me.

Warm hands were placed on my waist and I felt a presence I knew was Phil behind me. His breath was hot on the back of my neck making me shiver.

"Happy Christmas Eve eve," he said quietly, his voice still rough from sleep.

I continued to whisk the eggs, my arm slowing slightly at the distraction. It wasn't that I was honry, but... I definitely was. Having Phil's front basically pressed against my back wasn't helping.

Having to clear my throat slightly, I asked, "What're you doing awake so early?"

"I heard you up and figured I'd say good morning." Phil moved his mouth so his words tickled my ear. "Are your parents sleeping still?"

I stopped stirring the eggs at the shiver that crawled down my spine. I wondered if Phil was implying what I thought. Excitement stirred within me before I realized that my parents—at least one of them—weren't sleeping.

"My mum's in the living room," I answered lowly, voice shaky.

Phil gently nibbled on my ear, making my breath hitch in my throat. Butterflies swarmed my stomach as he whispered, "I've missed your lips."

Swallowing hard, it took a moment of fumbling to gather my words.

With my parents around, I'd felt awkward kissing Phil. Since we were with them basically every second of the day, it made things difficult. We hadn't really made out since they'd arrived, not finding any time alone.

"Not that I haven't missed your lips too," I started answering slowly, "but I don't think right now is a good time."

My face was warm, my waist tingling where Phil had a tight grip. His mouth still hovered by my ear, his breathing sending many shivers rippling through me. I wanted to kiss him so badly, but I was still thinking rationally.

Even if my dad didn't wake up for a while, my mum was bound to check on me. She'd probably be curious about how breakfast was coming along. Despite being out to them about Phil and I's relationship, there wasn't anything more embarrassing than having one of them walk in on us with our tongues in each other's mouths.

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