Chapter Thirteen - a Different Dan

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*Phil's POV*

Gabe left the apartment not long after Dan. I saw no point keeping him around if he wasn't there to walk in on us making out.

What I didn't understand, was how Dan and I had nearly kissed and he acted as if it hadn't happened. I hadn't brought it up, hoping maybe he would. But he didn't and was still going out with Brooklyn. He'd been acting strange the night before and I hoped it had something to do with Gabe.

Around supper time, I was sat in front of the TV watching one of my favourite animes and Dan still hadn't returned home. I knew he was safe with Brooklyn, but that didn't stop me from worrying. What if he was planning on staying the night at her place? I didn't like the thought one bit, jealousy twisting in my gut. As long as he was safe and not doing anything stupid, I supposed it wasn't really my business.

I pressed the pause button on the TV remote, stretching my arms above my head with a yawn. My stomach was rumbling for food but I didn't know if Dan wanted me to wait for him before I made supper. When he'd left, he told me he didn't know what time he was going to be back.

My phone screen flashed on as I got a text from Pj, telling me to call him when I could. I cleared the notification, secretly still not a hundred percent forgiving of him. I wanted to keep Dan from worrying about anything that was going on between him, Chris and me so I tried to play it cool around them.

I got up from the couch, wandering toward the kitchen. My eyes caught the time on the microwave and I realized it was getting late. I was starting to assume Dan wasn't going to be back for supper, so I started to rummage through the fridge to look for something to eat.

In the end, I decided on a piece of toast, too lazy to make a meal if it was just for me. I plopped a slice of bread into the toaster before pushing it down.

Just then, I heard the clicking of the door to our apartment. I assumed he was finally home. A large part of me was relieved, as it meant he wasn't planning on staying the night with Brooklyn.

I wandered to the top of the stairs, waiting for Dan to appear so I could ask him what he was going to do for dinner.

I heard an unusual amount of shuffling in the entryway before I heard the unzipping of his jacket and it falling to the floor. He kicked off his shoes quite loudly and I hoped he still wasn't in a weird mood. Gabe wasn't there anymore so I hoped he had nothing to be upset about.

It was a couple of minutes before I heard Dan's unrhythmic steps up the stairs. By the sounds of it, he was struggling and I grew concerned as I wondered if maybe he'd injured himself. He finally appeared on the last stretch of stairs though, and he didn't seem in pain, just... off balance?

I stepped back for him as he staggered off the last stair, stumbling forward a few steps. His eyes wandered to meet mine and he lazily smirked at me, a strange expression for him.

"G'day, Phil," he slurred, and as I smelt the alcohol on his breath I finally realized what was going on. Dan was drunk.

"Are you okay?" I asked him tentatively, not sure what I was supposed to do. Maybe give him water? That's what I'd heard before.

"Never been better," Dan assured me in a lazy tone, his words melding together.

I studied him silently for a moment as he tottered to the side a few steps before leaning against the wall to stabilize himself. 

"Why are you drunk?" I questioned, having no idea why he'd felt the need to drink so much while out with Brooklyn.

"I'm not drunk," he protested, clearly trying his hardest to sound truthful. "I'm just a lil tipsy."

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