Chapter Twenty-One - Holidays

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In my groggy state, having just been pulled out of a wonderful dream, I didn't really process the sound of the doorbell. I simply groaned—annoyed at being woken up so early—before rolling over.

A few moments later, I laid still under my warm covers and heard someone hiss my name. I pretended not to hear as I felt myself drifting back to sleep.

"Dan," the person said again. I felt warm fingers slowly beginning to comb through my messy hair.

Slowly, I lifted my eyelids. 

Phil's face was smiling warmly at me, inches from my own. He'd been sleeping next to me, same as the past few days. Sharing a bed with him was the best decision I'd ever made.

I reached out, wrapping my arms around his warm body. I snuggled against his chest, breathing in his familiar scent. There was no way to describe his distinct scent other than warmth.

"Dan," Phil whispered again, this time with a slight laugh to his voice.

I opened my eyes again, lifting my head so I could admire his beautiful face. I was slightly confused as to why his glasses were already perched on his nose. If he was thinking anything like me, we wouldn't be getting out of bed for at least another hour.

"Dan," he repeated for the fourth time now, his tone still gentle but amused.

I sniffled groggily, beginning to rub my tired eyes. "What?" I grumbled.

There was another sharp sound that cut through the still air. This time I was awake enough to process what it was before Phil spoke again.

"Someone's at the door," he told me.

I let my head fall back against his slowly rising and falling chest. "They'll go away," I responded. "Now let me sleep."

His fingers snaked through my hair again, tenderly massaging my head. I shivered at the wonderful feeling, a slight smile appearing on my face.

I was beyond happy that I'd come to terms with everything I had. Discovering I wasn't straight was definitely one of the best things that had ever happened—without that, I wouldn't have ended up with Phil. Everything seemed so perfect with him, and I felt like for the first time ever, I was perfectly content with my life.

"Danny," Phil chuckled, "I think it might be your parents."

"Doubt it," I grumbled against his t-shirt. I wished he slept shirtless like me. "They wouldn't wake up early to drive here."

"It's noon."

My head shot up again, eyes opening. I instantly noticed the daylight filtering through the window, leaving squares of light on the floor. My gaze darted toward the clock on my bedside table, realizing Phil was right. It was noon on Monday, meaning it probably was my parents at the door.

Promptly, I flung the covers off me and Phil while he laughed at my sudden panicking. Not only was I overly excited to see them again, but I had also intended to wake up before they got there so I could clean. The apartment wasn't messy necessary but cluttered for sure.

I started shoving things from my floor into random places, tossing articles of clothing about in a frenzy. I yanked a t-shirt over my head as I dashed from the room.

"You tidy the kitchen while I let them in," I shouted to a laughing Phil as I raced for the stairs.

I could hear his footsteps leaving the room and started planning to buy him time to clean.

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