Chapter Twenty - That's a Wrap

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Large snowflakes drifted from the sky, scattering across the frozen ground. The air was more frigid than usual, the icy sting of the wind numbing my cheeks and nose. Snow was landing on my eyelashes, making me repeatedly blink until they dissolved against my warmth.

My eyes wandered over to Phil, who's black hair was speckled with the white flakes. It contrasted his hair, making it so I could see every small detail of the delicate snowflakes.

They were pretty, just like the usual first snow of the season. I knew I'd be sick of them once I was walking to the store through a blizzard, but for now, I was appreciating their beauty.

It was earlier than I was used to being out. Phil and I had agreed to film for the whole day at Chris's as they were planning to get the short film done.

A few days had passed since Phil and I had made our relationship official, and every morning I'd been woken up with a shower of kisses. I had no regrets, feeling like I finally knew Phil. He'd opened up to me after what felt like forever and I couldn't have been more grateful.

The backs of our frozen hands brushed against each other's, making Phil beam over at me. He laced our fingers together and from the little feeling I still had in them, I could feel his thumb rub against the back of my hand.

I'd never been more sure that I had something right. Phil was the first decision I'd ever made that I was a hundred percent sure I wouldn't regret. Although it sounded cheesy, I knew we were soulmates.

We entered Chris's apartment after a short walk—surprisingly on time. Phil and I were beyond excited to finish the short film, as it meant that it could finally go up for the world to see. I was sure it would have a positive impact and I couldn't wait to hear all the feedback. Maybe it would even help Chris to grow an even bigger following.

"Hey guys," Chris greeted after we found him in the living room with Pj. They were already setting up the cameras to get filming.

I was slightly nervous about filming the last couple scenes as I hadn't memorized all my lines, but we typically had to do multiple takes anyway. It had been running really smoothly, so I was sure Chris and Pj wouldn't get too impatient if I forgot my first couple lines.

"Hello," Phil greeted, and I glanced at him to notice he had an eager smile lighting up his face. We'd been enthusing on the way over about how excited we were for Chris and Pj.

"We were thinking we'll film the second last scene first," Pj informed us as he adjusted one of the cameras.

"That's the one where my character comes out right?" I asked and both of them nodded.

Around a half hour later we were doing the second take of the scene, my stomach bubbling with anxiety. I still hadn't come out to Pj or Chris as I'd been waiting for the perfect moment, and for some reason, something was telling me it was time. I didn't know why but the scene seemed too perfect.

"What's my second line again?" I asked Chris once I was in my starting position. I was trying to breathe regularly but I was growing even more nervous.

Chris flipped through the script briefly until he was on the right page. "Well, Skylar, I have something to tell you... I've finally realized that I'm gay," he read for me.

I nodded along, remembering the words before facing Phil. Pj indicated he'd started rolling the camera as Chris yelled action.

"Are you alright?" Phil asked, his face creased with concern. His acting was impeccable. "You've seemed off lately."

I scratched the back of my neck uncomfortably just as the script had said to. "Actually, something's been on my mind."

"What is it?" Phil inquired, his tone still holding worry.

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