Chapter Nine - the Fall

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By the time I reached my apartment after my date with Brooklyn, I'd managed to convince myself I still felt her kiss lingering on my lips.

I shucked my coat off and tossed it aside while kicking off my shoes. I was exhausted and all I wanted to do was relax in front of the TV. Brooklyn was nice, I'd give her that, but being around her for a lengthy amount of time was draining.

Taking the stairs two at a time, I made my way up to the living room. I heard someone shuffling around in the kitchen so I called a greeting to Phil over my shoulder as I entered the room. Since I was looking behind me, I was startled when my foot got caught on something hard on the ground.

My foot instantly began to throb but before I could curse in pain, I was sent off balance as I stumbled forward. The ground suddenly came rushing towards my face as I toppled over. I didn't have enough time to process what was happening and brace the fall by putting my arms out, and I felt a sharp corner connect with my forehead.

When I hit the ground, pain instantly flooded my body, pulsing especially agonizingly on my forehead. I groaned out in agony, rolling slowly onto my back. My sight wavered as I stared up at the ceiling, spots dancing across vision.

Phil must've heard my fall as I could make out the sound of his fast footsteps hitting the floor as he raced into the room.

"Dan? Oh my god!" Phil exclaimed, slight panic evident in his tone.

My hand found its way to my forehead which was aching more than it ever had before. "My head," I whimpered.

Phil came into my line of vision then as he kneeled over me. I could see the concern creasing his face as his eyes roamed to my forehead. "I think you fell into the corner of the coffee table," he told me. His voice was gentle and soothing although I noticed the worry lacing his words.

"Yeah, no shit," I groaned.

I tried rubbing my head, my fingers tracing over a swollen bump that was forming. I tried not to panic but I must've hit my head hard since I was still seeing stars.

"Calm down," Phil soothed, as he noticed my widened eyes.

He took hold of my wrist carefully and moved my hand away from feeling the bump. I felt him gently comb my fringe from my forehead and I stared up at him, watching his soft expression. His ocean blue eyes examined where I hit my head and he ran his thumb over it, making me wince.

"Sorry," he apologized quickly.

He took his hand from my head, his eyes wandering down my face to meet my gaze. I stared back for a few seconds before my vision started to blur, making me blink rapidly.

"Are you dizzy?" he asked quietly.

"A little," I answered. "Can you help me up?"

He stood back up, holding a hand down to me. I ignored my head throbbing profusely as I took hold of it, slowly beginning to pull myself into an upright position. I swayed once I was sat up, feeling as if I was going to fall right back down.

"You okay?" Phil asked, reaching out to grab my shoulder as I nearly fell backward.

I squeezed my aching eyes shut. "No," I replied. I went to bring my hand back to my forehead but Phil took hold of my wrist, guiding it away.

"Don't touch it," he told me and I complied, still holding my eyes shut. Every one of his words made my head pulse more.

"Can you help me get up?" I asked, wanting to stand up so I could go to my room and lay down.

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