33| They Are Mad at You and You Try to Get Them to Forgive You

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Obi-Wan: First you gave him some time to cool down. Then you would go and find him and ask what you needed to do to make it up to him.

Anakin: If it was your fault but you admitted that he was right he would smirk and forgive you.

Ashoka: It was your fault but you asked her if you bought her, her own R2 unit would make her happy. So you did and she forgave you.

Padme: You would try and be extra nice to her and draw her a bath.

Qui-Gon: You would just try and talk to him and explain what you did. You two would just have to talk it out.

Maul: He isn't talkative but when he was mad he gave you the silent treatment. You would give a back massage like he liked to try and get him to talk to you.

Luke: When You knew Luke was mad at you, you would try and hug him and say you were sorry. He couldn't resist your hugs.

Han: Honestly you both got mad at each other a lot but they were small fights. If you waited a few hours it usually blew over.

Leia: Like her father, she liked when you admitted she was right and you should have listened to her.

Boba: When he got mad he liked to go off in his ship. You would try and comm him and explain how sorry you were which would usually bring him back.

Finn: If you pouted your lips and said how sorry you were he usually couldn't be mad for long.

Poe: You tried to persuade him with food. You made/found his favorite food and lots of it.

Rey: She didn't get to angry she just wanted the truth. If you were honest with her she usually would forgive you.

Kylo: If he's mad he's going to find some computers to destroy. After he gets out most of his frustration you go find him and explain yourself.

Hux: You apologized over and over. Once you told him how wonderful you thought he was and how you would hate to lose him he would usually come around.

Phasma: She made you clean her armor and it better be spotless.

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