85| When They Make a Playlist for you

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Obi-Wan: He wanted to make a playlist of songs that reminded you of him, he wanted it to be special so that way when he's gone you have the playlist.

Anakin: He created playlists in hopes he can play them while doing the deed, you always deleted them before he can give you them.

Ashoka: She created playlists that reminded her of you every Valentine's Day. You would always listen to them whenever you missed or just wanted to appreciate her when she was away.

Padme: She created a playlist since it was your first anniversary together and she wanted it to be meaningful. Every once in awhile she would add songs that reminded her of you.

Qui-Gon: He would create a travel playlist for you. Since you two traveled a lot he wanted you to have some fun so he figured music would be nice and tea of course.

Maul: He just created himself a punk rock playlist and sent it to you. He told you to listen to it if you got furious but couldn't do anything about it.

Luke: Luke creates a playlist every few months of your favorite genere's, he always wants you to have something to listen to.

Han: He meant to create a playlist but forgot- so you have a half made playlist of 90's music.

Leia: She created a classical playlist for you, she figured since you loved to [insert favorite activity] it would be good background music.

Boba: He created a playlist of rap songs, so that way before you go out to collect a bounty you'll be hyped and ready for whatever's coming.

Finn: He created playlist of songs you guys both like, songs that just had a meaningful meaning to your guys's relationship. He figured there would be nothing better then having a playlist both of you can enjoy.

Poe: He made an indie playlist, he would like to listen to it while relaxing so he figured he'd make you one too since you enjoy listening to music while fixing things up.

Rey: She made a playlist of lofi music, she liked the beats and found it as a good way to meditate and bring her attention to something so she created you one and soon enough that'd be your daily playlist.

Kylo: He created a playlist purely about sex songs, he just wanted a playlist to get you in the mood whenever he could.

Hux: He created a playlist of a famous song from wherever he visited, he wanted you to experience some of their culture to and he knows you would wish you could come along.

Phasma: She made a playlist out of pure gaming music, so that way when you're fighting you can fight better.

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