Everything has Changed

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It had been 7 years since I received my star transformation broach from Astra she's grey and has a crescent moon on her forehead as well as a star above the crescent moon. I was 10 one summer out with my Grandpa Max, my twin brother Ben and my cousin Gwen that may as well be my sister we get on so well. I came across two, six-year olds teasing her by bandaging up her spots of her forehead I took them off and got the title of Sailor Star.

No one knows that I am Sailor Star and holder the Starlight Crystal, I've had many people after the crystal and after me from the Dark Kingdom. So, before I continue let me tell you who I am, my name is Serenity Tennyson. I am 17 live with my parents in Bellwood in America but I move around a lot because of Plumber business, Gwen and I finished High school a year early and she decided to go to College straight away.

Me on the other hand, I'm going to live with my boyfriend Mamoru Chiba. Yeah, my Dad isn't happy about that neither is he happy, that I inherited Anodite powers from Grandma Verdona. But Mom supports me plus I get to see mine and Ben's cousin Usagi on our Mom's side.

The thing is with the Starlight Crystal it looks like a galaxy forced to house in a crystal, I keep it with me always as a necklace but the necklace is the star staff from when I transform. I was always polite but not when it came to battle, Mom said I had the graces of a princess but the stubbornness of a queen.

Now I sat with Gwen Ben Kevin the Plumber helpers and Grandpa Max at the Plumber space station orbiting Earth with Astra on the table, 'So your what exactly?' Ben asked 'Taking a break from Plumber business,' I said 'Ben it's been two years none stop with missions and everything there have been very few times that I have been able to see my boyfriend in Japan.'

'I think Serenity is right, Ben.' Grandpa said 'Let her take a break there's no stopping you.' 'I'll keep my badge on me at all times in case there's an emergency, plus there is something that I must tell you that I have kept a secret for 7 years.' I said. Pierce asked 'So what is it?' 'Astra if you please,' I said 'Hello it's nice to finally talk to you all,' Astra said 'My name is Astra before you ask I was sent to earth to find someone who was worthy to be a sailor guardian that is Serenity, as Sailor Star. She protects one of the legendary Crystals from many years ago, the Starlight Crystals, with a mission find and protect the Moon Princess who is also the Queen of the Star Kingdom from the Silver Millennium many years-ago.'

Grandpa said 'I thought it was just a legend.' 'It's not,' Astra said 'I myself am from the Moon Kingdom and Star Kingdom, but I cannot piece some of my memories together.' 'This makes you more powerful then Ben,' Gwen pointed out 'Great someone who has more powers than me.' Ben grumbled 'Well that maybe true but the Crystals belong to the Moon Princess,' Azmuth said 'And I made a promise to Queen Serenity that when her daughter was reborn that I indent to keep.'

'So, when are you going?' Kevin asked 'Grandpa Max already had them Plumbers get me citizenship in Tokyo, Japan cause our cousin Usagi lives there, plus there are other Sailor Guardians that I need to meet up with.' My sailor Communicator beeped I opened it and Luna Astra's sister appeared 'It appears we may need you help more than ever Sailor Star,' Luna said 'There is a ball going on tonight for a princess from the Kingdom of D unveiling a precious treasure.'

'I'll be there Luna don't worry,' I said cut the connection 'Well Astra looks like we're going to meet them soon than we thought.' Gathering Astra in my arms she said 'I hope Luna won't mad at me for not telling her about the Starlight Crystal.' 'It's alright, Astra.' I said 'You need to keep the information secret so no one knew.'

Grandpa said 'Anyone up for going to a ball in Tokyo?' 'You got us in Grandpa?' I asked 'I got you but you need someone else as back up,' Grandpa said 'They won't step in on any business you're doing. The embassy wants more protection and that means as Plumbers.' Pierce said 'I'll go.' Putting on an ID mask that turned him into a human version of himself with a tux on, I got out my spell book Gwen asked 'Hey where did you get that?' 'Grandma Verdona,' I said 'Even though you didn't take her offer, I told her about being a Sailor Guardian, so she taught be the basics of Anodite powers and what not gave me a few spell books.'

I found the spell, that was to change my clothes 'Mutata in indumentis aliquid fit pro illis reginae.' I said (Change these clothing into something fit for a princess) the spell book disappeared a white dress appeared on me with golden beads around the breast area just under it. Along with golden discs that held the dress up around the breast area, a light under skirt that didn't even show my feet as well as another half showing skirt that showed the front of the underskirt my hair down the crystal on display on my neck it was strapless and small heeled shoes with ribbons on my legs. Inside my small bag was my transformation broach, Plumber badge and the essentials of every girl.

'Wow, Serenity you look amazing.' Ben said 'Well Pierce are you ready?' I asked 'I am.' He answered, we got transported to a block away for the embassy, we walked there showing our Plumber badges Astra following behind, immediately I noticed Usagi and she had two friends with her, Pierce and I made it up to the ball room where they were all dancing a man with brilliant blue eyes wearing a white mask and a tuxedo with a pendant around the neck.

He looked at me and then swept me away for Pierce for a dance, I noticed Pierce had taken Usagi for a dance, it was Tuxedo Mask I was dancing with he had helped me many times as Sailor Star I recognised him from somewhere but couldn't put my finger on it. 'I was thinking about you just now I was hoping I would see you again.' I said as the words just slipped out of my mouth 'So was I.' He replied all of this felt like a memory or was it just a dream, he left me with this warm fuzzy feeling inside that I didn't want to let go.

We soon finished, he kissed my hand the ran off, Astra came up to me and said 'You shouldn't trust him you don't even know who he is.' I picked up Astra them Princess D came in with a dark glow about her carrying box turning the whole room in almost a shadow realm. I nodded to Pierce who took Usagi's hand and we ran out, Princess D came barrelling out behind us ready to jump over the balcony.

I tried to stop her, she elbowed me out of the way causing me to fall off the balcony, wrapping a whip of mana around my wrist then a pillar it helped me to stop falling I got my feet on to the side of the building and back flipped onto the ground, I decided to transform putting on my star broach I said 'Starlight Power Make Up!' I hear someone say 'Moon Prism Power Make Up!'

I tried to stop her, she elbowed me out of the way causing me to fall off the balcony, wrapping a whip of mana around my wrist then a pillar it helped me to stop falling I got my feet on to the side of the building and back flipped onto the ground...

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(Me as Sailor Star to the right the Star Staff just a bit taller the crystal resides in the star) I joined the other Sailor scouts 'I am the pretty guardian who fights for love and for justice I am Sailor Star! And now in the name of the moon and ...

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(Me as Sailor Star to the right the Star Staff just a bit taller the crystal resides in the star) I joined the other Sailor scouts 'I am the pretty guardian who fights for love and for justice I am Sailor Star! And now in the name of the moon and stars. I'll punish you!' The ghostly image laughed I saw Pierce flat out near Princess D Sailor Moon joined us Mars said, 'Evil spirit be gone.' Throwing fire at it, it just absorbed the attack 'It didn't work,' Mars said Sailor Moon said, 'What do we do?'

Sailor Star ~A Sailor Moon and Ben 10 fanfic~Where stories live. Discover now