Beautifully Broken

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I ran to Michiru's apartment, Haruka was already there wrapping me up in a hug already. 'Put Serenity down,' Michiru said 'Haruka, she looks like she may faint from not enough oxygen.' 'Thank you,' I said 'So we're not doing anything today are we.' 'Nope just relaxing,' Haruka said she then noticed the ring on my finger, 'Your engaged.' Michiru said 'I see he finally proposed,' setting tea in front of us down, 'Yesterday after the concert he had a picnic set up for us,' I said 'We ate then her proposed with my mother's engagement ring from my father. I won't be coming around tomorrow, I've got plans with the girls.'

Haruka then had me sitting on the floor in front of her as she braided my hair, I ended up staying the night as it got late. I met the girls at the fair we all looked around, suddenly I felt a chill going up my spine, we haven't seen Rei yet. Later on we found Rei, in the court yard of the school as blue flames were burning something. 'It's bad it would seem as though we have a new enemy.' Rei said. 'I never thought we'd be using these so soon.' Ami said looking down at her transformation pen. 'Once more the battle begins.' Mako said. 'At least we're all here.' Minako said. 'Moon/Star Crystal power Make Up!' I said. 'Moon Star Power Make Up!' 'Mercury Star Power Make Up!' 'Mars Star Power Make Up!' 'Jupiter Star Power Make Up!' 'Venus Star Power Make Up!'

As we transformed the Nuns in front of us turned into black humanoid creatures with the black moon clan insignia on their foreheads and upside down black crescent moon, 'Well they just went from holy to creepy.' Usagi said. They screamed at us running towards us, 'Mercury aqua mist.' Mercury shot a jet of water at them while Jupiter shot a bolt of green lightening at them 'Supreme Thunder.' Making them fall to the ground, 'Venus love me chain.' Venus hit them with her attack weakening them Moon sent an attack at them 'Moonlight attack.' Hitting them with a beam of moonlight.

Soon enough a woman laughed at us, 'Is that all you've got?' 'You again.' Mars said, 'That's right,' the woman said taking off the veil revealing her face with purple hair the black moon insignia and malefic black crystal earrings 'For those of you who don't know I am Koan, the youngest and most extreme of the four spectre sisters.' 'That mark,' Mars said 'Tell me why are you here, what do you want?' 'The Legendary silver crystal.' Koan said. 'If you want the Silver crystal then you have to go through me first,' Mars said 'Burning Mandala.'

Sending fire ball at each of the droids burning them, Koan laughed 'It's time to fight fire with fire.' Mars maintain her fire blast while Koan sent out a blue fire to counteract it suddenly the blue flame enclosed around her. Tormenting her, 'I thought she put up more of a fight.' Koan said. I remember what Pluto had said to me, using a ball of mana aiming it at Koan she fell to the ground in pain 'How the?' she screamed. I shot two streams of Mana out to Mars freeing her from her flaming prison.

'You disappoint me Koan,' a man voice said. 'Please don't I can try again.' Koan pleaded to the voice. Tuxedo mask joined us, my mother's old moon rod appeared in my hand, 'Looks like the tables are turned on you.' I said using the power of the rod she was disintegrated, 'Well done, Sailor Star or should I say Queen Serenity.' A man with crimson red hair stood there, 'Rubeus,' I growled. 'Excellent so you've heard of me,' Rubeus said 'You may have won this battle Queen Serenity but the war is far from over we will have that crystal and that child of yours but wait she hasn't even been born yet.'

'If you even touch her, you'll wish you had never had my future self, send you to that planet.' I said, he seemed frightened by that he soon disappeared. The girls ran over to Mars and helped her up I found Chibi-Usa nearby, Minako said 'You've been keeping secrets from us again, we're your family.' 'I know and you all have every right to be angry at me and I will tell you all when we arrive on the moon to get Rei seen too,' I said 'The thing is I couldn't say anything just yet, they are a powerful enemy from the future and if I said or did anything that could change the future one single word could wipe anyone of us from existence, if I told you any of you too early and there is another Sailor guardian that you all need to meet.'

'We trust you but please tell us.' Jupiter said. We got to the moon castle while Rei was being seen to the doctor said 'She'll be fine with a few minutes and just like that Rei was up. Chibi-Usa hadn't let go of me yet, 'They won't hurt you and we'll save her I promise.' I said. She finally let go of me tiring herself out, 'Who is Chibi-Usa?' Mamo aske as I sat her down on the bed Jonathon came to watch over as we went to the dining room, 'She's from the future,' I said. 'Most importantly our future.' 'Chibi-Usa is your daughter from the future, Mamoru Chibi.' Pluto said as she stood there.

The girls got ready to fight, 'This is how we were supposed to meet,' Pluto said, 'My name is Sailor Pluto guardian of the time and space gate to keep out any unwanted visitor beyond the boundaries of time itself.' 'Pluto alerted me to the coming changes from the future I couldn't tell you,' I said. 'For Serenity to know I had to bend a few rules that I follow,' Pluto said 'It would be like allowing you to go into the past to change your future. If I did you may not have been reborn or worse create paradox where your stuck in a time loop until reality collapses.'

'I'm sorry we doubted you,' Minako said. 'Even though we're Sailor guardians and you were made to protect me,' I said 'There are somethings that I must do to protect not only both kingdoms but the ones I love.' 'Thank you for saving me Serenity.' Rei said. 'No problem,' I said 'Right now is crucial we cannot be separated, they call themselves the Black Moon Clan and threaten to destroy everything that we know and love including the Legendary Silver Crystal both of them.' 'Chibi-Usa holds one doesn't she.' Ami said.

'That she does, she came from 900 years in the future,' I said 'Because she isn't Sailor guardians like we are so she was bullied felt left out, never really fit in. She took the Legendary Silver crystal to prove that she was something more that's when a malefic black crystal hit crystal Tokyo in the future draining the life out of everyone Neo-Queen Serenity went up again Prince Demande and was saved within the Starlight Crystal. Chibi-Usa borrowed on of Pluto's time keys ended up here in the past our present.'

'But that doesn't explain what their intent is.' Mako said. 'My future self-encountered a man with power that threatened to destroy crystal Tokyo and he had killed people as well. But because of our nature that we don't ever kill we sent him to a planet called nemesis, away from earth. Then the black moon clan resisted the call for long life and said that it was a crime against nature and began to kill people over it because they never shared their views. In the future I learn the true power of the Legendary Silver Crystal and it gives long life to the Silver millennium family Including all of you Mamoru included when he marries into the family and soon enough the entire world lives long and happy lives never aging no wars or any diseases,' I said 'They too were sent to the planet suing its power of the crystals the have destroyed crystal Tokyo including the entire world but not the palace while we are all in suspended animation so they've come to the past to make sure Crystal Tokyo never happens to destroy all the crystals thin us all out to make me vulnerable and then kill me so that this happy future will not happen.'

'I'm sorry but I must return to my post,' Pluto said, she left 'There's one thing I don't get,' Usagi said 'You mentioned the silver crystal but not the starlight Crystal.' 'Some point in the future the crystals separate and the starlight crystal merges with me, I don't why that would happen.' I said. 'So Chibi-Usa is our daughter in the future.' Mamo said. 'Well she does look like you and gets on with us pretty well, but she fights with Usagi like they're sisters.' I said

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2018 ⏰

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