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'Oh, hey there Serenity.' Motoki said. He turned around and it was Mamoru, everything in me seized up in that moment. I didn't believe it, 'Hello nice to meet you,' He said. 'Mamo, is that you?' I asked. 'Serenity this is my best friend Endo,' Motoki said 'He just started working here part-time. Come say hi.' 'Motoki and I go to the same college together; Sailor Star has hair like this. I guess it's a fashionable look.' Mamo said, but I knew that this was not the man I love it was dark and energy was pouring off him 'So I heard your good at the Sailor V game.'

'I'm good but not that good,' I said, as I began to walk away he grabbed my arm, 'I don't think we were finished talking.' He said forcefully. His hand started to burn and he let go, 'You are not the man that I love,' I growled very low 'But I know whoever you are it would be the last thing you do if you hurt me or my friends you may wear his face but you are not him.' I walked out Motoki called put but I ignored him, I sat on the roof of the apartment building watching all the stars twinkle in the night sky and watched the moon glimmer in the background.

'We always you to this with you on the moon, my darling daughter.' I knew only one person who called me that, my father Orion, I turned around to see him stood there with a pink glow around him, soon enough my mother, Serenity stood there as well with the same glow around her. 'My darling Serenity, you can touch us we are really here. Your power called us here to help you.' Queen Serenity said as she touched my hand, I hugged them both, crying for the first time in many years we felt like a family.

'Hey Serenity are you up here,' The girls shouted from the stairs they all saw us hugging 'Serenity back away they could be of the dark kingdom as a trap,' Mako said. I shook my head and said 'They're not, I appreciate the concern Mako but I know they are who they say they are. Because there was one thing that we all used to do when my father was alive on the moon that no one else knew about beside one person that I cannot mention but we used to watch the stars at night from the high tower of the moon castle.'

Minako said 'This was your power reaching out for the nearest thing for comfort without Mamoru being here.' 'What's this about a boy I hear?' Orion said 'No boy will ever be good enough for my daughter.' 'Orion your just as bad as the day Serenity was born,' Queen Serenity said, 'Mamoru Chiba is the reincarnate of Prince Endymion of earth if I remember you were going to set up a marriage contract between Serenity and Endymion.'

Orion said 'I don't remember that.' Trying to worm his way out of it, 'It's alright, Dad,' I said, 'He's my soulmate anyways, right now he's being used as a pawn by the dark kingdom to take the silver star crystal.' Their glow began to fade, 'It looks like our time is up for now but if you ever need us you know where to find us, my dear Serenity.' Queen serenity said as they disappeared, 'You know why he's here then?' Rei asked.

'I do,' I said 'I know Mamoru would have kept everything he knew about us looked tight within his memory but he would've had someone probing around in there for some answers and they probably would've known what area we are all in.' 'So, they're trying to use him to get to you to get to the Crystal.' Rei summarised 'Exactly,' I said 'Which is why I have a plan. Ami do you still have the shattered pieces of the diamond.'

Ami said 'Yes I do.' She held up a small plastic bag with the pieces in, 'What are we going to do?' Usagi asked 'Play a little game on the dark kingdom,' I said 'But one of us needs to be bait.' 'I'll do it,' Mako said. I let them know what the plan was I built a defence of barriers in Mako's head so that she didn't get brainwashed.

The next day at the arcade, I played a game of Sailor V while he was hanging over me, when he mentioned the command centre I knew it was time to put our plan into action. Mako had called us and said there was something wrong we were in the command centre where Mako was pretending to be weak, I played my part well as all the others did as well. 'He is our enemy,' Mako said 'He wants the silver star Crystal.' 'Oh so close,' Evil tuxedo mask said 'That girl is useless.'

They jumped down from the pillars they sat on, Minako Rei and Ami transformed and attacked Motoki under mind control took the crystal that was around my neck. I took the sword that we had hidden here and used it on the crystal only to cause it break into tiny pieces. Tuxedo mask shouted 'No the crystal it gone you stupid girl.' The last part was aimed at me, I pretend to be weak, 'You see you didn't notice something the crystals power is connected to me,' I said 'I cut its connection any chance you had of the power is long gone, it's gone and so am I.' falling to the floor dead.

I didn't know what was going on until Beryl showed up with her hand wrapped around my throat 'Honestly how could you expect us to fall for a trick like that little princess,' She said 'But I should be grateful you handed me the crystal on a silver platter. I finally stood with my friends, she went on about how the person that was there was Mamoru.

'Poor little Serenity, going to be killed by the man she loves.' Beryl smirked 'Do you remember me from the past?' 'I remember alright how you were a lady in the earth kingdoms court and were infatuated with Endymion but he didn't love you back,' I said 'As his heart was held by another, you hated it that he didn't share your love back, you turned to the evil entity that gave you that power and used it against that is repeating history all over again.'

Mars said 'Queen Beryl may have control of him right now but once we defeat her, he'll be ok.' 'I don't think so,' Beryl said as she narrowed he eyes 'Prince Endymion is dead, the Prince before you have been resurrected. Our great ruler Queen Metalia, brought him back from the dead, she has remade him, the dark kingdom's greatest warrior. He will bring all who oppose us to their knees. Now end her.'

He laughed sending dark energy at me, my mana shield deflected it like it was nothing. 'What the?' Beryl questioned. 'You should really update your information Beryl,' I said 'on how someone got reincarnated. Starlight Power Make up!' 'Wow, even in the face of danger, Serenity still stands her ground for what she believes in,' I heard in my head as Jupiter thought.

He threw another attack at all of us after I transformed, my shield held up well again, but the command centre was crumbling. 'The command Centre is starting to collapse.' Artemis pointed out 'On it just give me a few seconds,' Mercury said 'Hyperspecial sphere generate.' We were moved to pocket dimension, 'It still doesn't matter where we fight you still won't win.' Beryl said. As her hair moved wrapping around all of us, with a tightening grip that really hurt.

'Enough Princess tell me now,' Beryl said with a demented look in her eye 'What is the secret of the Silver star Crystal?' 'Please Mamo I need you.' I called out. 'It's been so long,' Beryl said 'But it was well worth the wait. This is the moment I've dreamed of. I shall keep the crystal for myself and rule over this planet for all eternity with Prince Endymion at my side.' 'Don't you get it Beryl,' I choked out 'When she notices that you've double crossed her she'll kill you.'

Beryl laughed, 'You haven't won yet Beryl this isn't over,' Venus shouted as we were all electrocuted by her hair 'Oh, hear me, holy blade guarding the princess. Sacred sword I summon thee.' The sword appeared in Venus' hand and she cut us down then went to attack Beryl with the sword but she deflected it like it was no bother. 'Did you honestly think a rusty old sword like that could hurt me,' Beryl said. 

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