Best Day Of My Life

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'So, what is going to happen?' I asked. 'They called their crystal malefic black crystal, in the future they do crimes of unspeakable nature and they are cast out to the planet nemesis that is outside the solar system,' Pluto said, 'There is also something else in this future, you and Endymion are King and Queen of earth the moon and the star kingdom the future is non-existent since the black crystal landed, draining all life from everyone. The Starlight Crystal acted fast and encompassed you and froze everyone else into a comatose state, it's powers are strong and unleashes long life from the silver crystal. You have a daughter in the future her name is Usagi, Chibiusa or small lady as we call her, the members of the black moon clan are as follows:

 Wiseman (mastermind/advisor)

 Prince Demande

 Rubeus

 Saphir

 Esmeraude

 The Spectre Sisters

 Koan

 Berthier

 Calaveras

 Petz

'These are who you may encounter, many times they will try and thin you out by taking the guardians by no means are you to let that happen. You are strong Serenity, I know you are, just like your mother.' Pluto finished 'Thank you for telling me old friend.' I said with that I turn to walk away 'You cannot tell them until you receive a sign from the future.' Pluto called out. I must protect them this time and I will not let anyone get in my way the plumbers can try.

I realised I had been gone a while, 'There you are,' Usagi said dragging me 'Everyone has been waiting for you.' 'Everyone ready to go to earth?' I asked They all nodded, Kunzite said 'We'll keep everything running until your return your majesty.' Calling the staff to hand I asked for it to take us to earth to Japan suddenly we were in Mamoru's apartment. I put my normal clothing on very quickly, 'So whose parents are first?' I asked. 'Well I live on my own my parents died when I was quite young, so I don't need to worry.' Mako said.

'My grandfather already knows who we are he asked me after I became a Sailor Guardian as I was there doing my duties to my shrine, but he understands that my Sailor duties and school come first.' Rei said. 'Alright you just need to tell him about the moon, Minako what about you?' I asked. 'Well, my parents are probably going to flip I failed a test because of missing a few points off passing because of Sailor business.' Minako laughed. Artemis said 'Well I told you to study but you didn't listen and you were too busy playing the Sailor V game.' Usagi said 'Don't diss the game.'

'You're the same too, Usagi.' Luna said. 'What about that test you failed when we first met that you hit me on the head with?' Mamo asked. 'Looks like you and Minako are more alike than you think.' Ami said. 'What about your parent's Ami?' I asked. 'Well it's just me and my Mom so I think she'll understand as long as it does affect my studies at school.' Ami said. We first arrived at Minako's house, her mom, Mrs. Aino answered the door 'Minako Aino, where have you been? Everyone has had severe confusion and you stay out all night with your friends.'

'Mrs. Aino,' I said 'I'm Serenity, I'm one of the intergalactic police can we come in and explain.' 'Oh, please come in,' She said we all sat in the living room she began serving tea her husband Mr. Aino joined us he asked 'Minako has been causing any trouble that got her into trouble with the Plumbers, has she?' 'Dad, I'm right here.' Minako huffed. 'Quite the opposite,' I said, 'What legends do you know of the moon?'

Mr. Aino said 'Well the myths that there was an entire kingdom, my father told me of these stories but I never believed that they were true. My father was one of the Plumber back in the day alongside, your grandfather.' 'The stories are true,' I said. 'But, how can they possibly be true?' Mrs. Aino asked. 'Allow me to show you,' I said taking a sip of tea I showed them my life on the moon and all the other guardians.

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