Start A Fire

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Ben said, 'Serenity and Mamoru have been going out for a while even in between fighting aliens she still made time for him.' 'They are soul mates that found each other once again.' Luna commented. 'The boy Mamoru Chiba,' Artemis said 'Is Prince Endymion reincarnate. The tragedy that befell the moon never should have happened, but our enemy brainwashed the people of earth and drove them to attack us. Still the Moon Kingdom fought back and managed to seal the evil away.' 'So, this is history repeating itself.' Jupiter said. 'It's so awful,' Mars said 'Why is this happening again?' Venus realised 'That woman she must have broken the seal and freed the evil.'

'Who are you on about do you mean that woman that took Tuxedo mask.' I asked 'Did you recognise her? Who is she? Oh Minako, tell me that you know she taken him. Please I need to find him.' 'I don't know,' Venus said 'Please calm down princess.' 'Why does my life have to be so hard?' I said, 'It's hard to believe this was my tear but now it's the legendary silver crystal merged with the starlight Crystal, that we've been looking for.' 'It's not your tear,' Venus said, 'It's your strong love for Endymion that manifested in this world as the Crystal.'

When Venus said Endymion, it came rushing back to me what had only happened mere hours ago. So, did what all normally people did when it becomes too much for them I fainted. The next day I woke up on the Plumber space station orbiting Earth, the star and crescent moon still on my forehead my hair had grown. My body was changing back into my previous life, I felt the Crystal around my neck, I now knew that they had taken him but I would get him back no matter what the cost.

I got dressed in what clothes were there, and made my way to the cafeteria. I ate on my own, when some junior cadets sat behind me and talk amongst themselves 'Did you hear the news Magister Tennyson is a princess.' 'Wait you mean Max Tennyson's granddaughter is a princess?' I stood up finished eating, 'I would appreciate that you didn't talk about me like I wasn't there,' I said, 'You don't know what happen during the Silver Millennium so don't try and understand.'

Grandpa called me up to meeting room, as I got there all eyes were on me. 'Please take a seat, Princess Serenity.' One Magister said. The one at the top of the table began, 'It's been less than 24 hours since the dark kingdom has now shown themselves and Princess Serenity has returned. It is up to all of us to decide that the Sailor Guardians should continue to protect Serenity or leave it to us to assign a protection detail.'

One said, 'I vote protection detail they couldn't keep Mamoru Chiba the reincarnation of the earth prince out of harm's way.' I stood my fists balled 'Don't you think we know that,' I said 'I'm sorry for my outburst but my Mother Queen Serenity assigned them to be my Sailor Guardians and I am not going to go against her word. They are my family and friends and I love them you can't stop them. I remember being 5 years old sitting in a meeting with my mother Serenity and my father Orion with some Plumbers many years ago. My father wanted not involvement from the Plumbers in matters if the moon kingdom or when it came to battle the dark kingdom. This isn't any of your fight, it ours they are after something I have and I'm not a little girl that hides behind her Mother every time she gets scared. If any of you need me I'll be on earth.'

I got transported to just outside the Arcade I looked in the window and saw my reflection my hair was paler my eyes brighter and the Star and crescent moon still on my forehead. I saw Usagi playing on few video games with all the other stood around, I didn't want to see them not just yet. But Mako caught me looking in and I ran, I think I lost them I got to the apartment and soon as the door closed. I broke down crying, if only some of my enemies could see me now they would the opportunity to attack.

A couple of days later, I woke up from nightmare again. How many nightmares has it been how many more times will I wake up crying. I was sleeping in one Mamo's shirts the smell of him comforted me, later that day I did some cleaning making the place look tidy. I had a lot of missed calls from Ben, Mom, Dad even Julie Ben's ex-girlfriend, and the plumber helpers. Pierce was a brother to me after I helped save him from nearly getting killed by the forever knights.

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