Still I Fly

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'I know how you feel,' I said, 'The last couple of weeks I had a calling to come here at first I thought it was Luna on the communicator telling me to come but I know it was something more like destiny.' Jupiter said something but I couldn't make it out as the Star staff glowed the Starlight Crystal appeared in my hand and the star staff appeared under Luna's paw with crescent moon around the star.

Luna said 'There are five Sailor Guardians now, Sailor Star, you have been a Sailor Guardian for 7 years now whilst trying to fine the Starlight Crystal and keep it from harm until the moon princess returns it is now time for you to take your place as leader of our mission to find the legendary silver crystal the starlight crystal and the princess.'

'Very well, Luna,' I said, 'I'll do my best.' Picking up the new moon and star staff I could feel it's power, but nothing compared to the Starlight Crystal. Mars asked, 'So what was the important thing you wanted to tell us?' I held out my hand showing the Starlight Crystal, 'Is that the?' Moon asked 'Yes, it is. The starlight Crystal. When Astra found me when I was 10 she had it in her possession but couldn't remember how it got there and I have been looking after it ever since.' I placed it back in the star part of the staff, Luna said 'That is now the moon and star staff, it's yours now, it's very powerful it will help you in battle.'

Two days later I woke up early again from the dreams I had been having, I dressed before Mamoru woke up and left him a note, I went by Usagi's house and woke her up on time from school and walked with her. 'Thanks for waking me on time.' Usagi said as we walked we spotted Ami and Mako Usagi race to them 'Ami, Mako. Good Morning.' Usagi said 'Good morning to you too, Usagi.' Ami said politely, 'Atta girl you didn't over sleep.' Mako said

'Well Serenity woke up early and came to wake me up so I wouldn't be late for school.' Usagi explained 'Well I've been having a lot of weird dreams since I came here,' I said, 'I wake and I can't go back to sleep.' The starlight crystal rested on my neck, Usagi turned the corner and bumped into Mamoru, 'Not you again.' Usagi said 'Bun head,' Mamoru said 'You should really watch where you're going, you could get hurt. Hey Serenity I didn't see you this morning.'

'I woke up early I see you finally met my cousin,' I said, 'I didn't want to wake you up.' 'I'll see you later when I've finished school.' Mamoru said kissing me before leaving 'Usagi who was that?' Mako said 'I don't know I just keep bumping into him.' Usagi said 'His name is Mamoru Chiba,' I said 'He's my boyfriend. We live together.' 'Serenity, Mako Usagi look there.' Ami said as we look at the news 'This mysterious person calling himself Tuxedo Mask has made a statement to the media,' the woman said, 'He claims to have committed numerous, and said that he did it to obtain lost treasures called the legendary sliver Crystal and the Starlight Crystal.'

The others were off at school I kept the crystal with me always later that night at the arcade, Mako said 'This has turned into a huge mess.' Rei said 'This is a trap, it has to be. Right Luna.' 'Could this mean danger for our princess too, shouldn't we do something?' Ami questioned, Astra said 'I don't know I never imagined anything like this.' 'Tuxedo Mask,' Luna said, 'I didn't think he was our enemy but.' 'Luna,' Mako said 'Do you have an idea who our enemies might be or where the princess is.'

Luna said, 'Astra and I have been doing a lot of research, we have a few hunches but we don't know for sure.' Astra said, 'If an evil certain being should awaken and gain the power of the crystals it could mean the end of the world.' 'Could both crystal really destroy the entire world?' Rei asked. 'They are that powerful even when they are together,' Luna said, 'Depending on how they are used it could blow up the whole planet easily.'

Ami asked, 'Is that really our mission as Guardians to find and protect something so potential dangerous.' 'Yes, 'Astra said 'I have told you about both crystals and the princess from the moon who is also the Queen of the Star Kingdom. I have faith in all of you that you will find them but you must do it do it soon, they need your protection. That is your fate, it is your destiny, why you were made Sailor Guardians and it's also why we came here.' Luna continued 'And awakened all of you, we were sent here from the moon to do so.'

'The missing Princess we are searching for is from the moon?' Ami questioned 'Someone from the moon sent you both here.' Rei said. 'They sent you to awaken us.' Mako said. 'Luna, Astra you're from the moon?' Usagi questioned 'You will all understand more once you've awaken fully,' Luna said, 'Right now we must learn more about who our main enemy is and we need to continue our investigation of Tuxedo Mask as well.'

'What are you thinking, Serenity?' Astra asked, 'I think I may know someone who could give you more information on who our enemy is.' I said. Getting out my plumber Badge duplicating it I called Azmuth on it his hologram appeared 'What can I do for you my dear?' he said, 'There are two cats here that want some information on who our enemy might be and I thought you'd know after all you were alive more than a thousand years ago,' I said

I placed the badge in front of Luna and Astra 'I've got to go you guys but when you're finished with it turn to dust.' I said the next day after the broadcast everyone was going crazy looking for the Crystals I was lucky that no one noticed it on my necklace Luna had us meet up at the arcade after it had quieted down. Luna opened a secret base under the arcade underneath the Sailor V game. We walked down the stairs, 'Secret base awesome.' Usagi cheered, Astra was down here already, 'We needed a place to do research and investigate our enemies.' Luna said as she showed us a map on screen where the energy was coming from 'The evil energy is concentrating on one spot.' Astra said. 'The TV Station.' Rei pointed out, 'Luna someone must be using the broadcast signal to transmit some sort of mind control.' Ami said

'I underestimated him,' Luna said 'I never thought Tuxedo Mask would do something like this.' My eyes went magenta as well as one of my hands kneeling on the floor I place my hand on the floor feeling the mana around me feeling Tuxedo masks mana and it wasn't him this mana was dark and evil and was stating to taint those who were caught in it, 'He isn't the one doing this,' I said 'I was able to feel his energy he isn't the one his is good pure and light. That energy was dark and evil and its tainting all those who are under its spell.'

'Think carefully Serenity he could be using you to get to the crystals.' Luna said, 'If Serenity is telling she's truth then I believe her Anodite powers have never been wrong before.' Astra said. 'None of you believe me, do you?' I asked as I look at them none of them could reach my face. So, I walked out, I nearly tripped until Tuxedo mask caught me. 'I'm sorry I was too rash and impulsive; this giant mess is all my fault.' He said. 'You mean it was you,' I said 'I started it but this isn't my doing please believe me.' He said, 'I do believe you.' I said.

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