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I was wondering what I was going to do with myself, during the summer I was sat round looking over at reports from both kingdoms. When I received a knock at the door, When I answered it a woman with vibrant green hair wearing a dress that matched her hair on holding a mirror the other next to her a tall blonde wearing just a top and a pair of shorts she was obviously female but looked to have strength of both genders. 'Hi, may I help you?' I asked

The green haired girl said 'My name is Michiru Kaioh and this is Haruka Tenou. We want to welcome you to the neighbourhood and as the student council is off ill you've been offered a place of study at Mugen Academy.' Haruka said 'They have been impressed with your singing talent, as well Michiru here has as well.' 'Thank you please come in,' I said as they walked in I then cleared away any of the paperwork. Michiru noticed the piano in the room, 'Do you play?' she asked. 'Often it's calming playing it.' I said.

'Would you like to play us a piece?' Haruka asked I nodded, sat down and played a piece that played from my star locket. Michiru wiped a few tears from her eyes, 'Sorry just that song brought on some memories.' She said 'You never told us your name.' I smiled I knew who they were they hadn't recognised who I was yet, 'I believe you already know the answer to that or else you wouldn't be here.' I said, 'I've been in the neighbourhood for the last month and I think you already know the answer to your question, that you are asking.'

'I'm not sure that I know what you are talking about.' Haruka said. 'Let me help you,' I said, 'The first time we met I had just lost my father and became the next Queen of the star Kingdom.' Haruka brought her hands up to my face and stared at me intensely before hugging me and whispered, 'Our little star.' I blinked back the tears of them recognising me I never thought I'd see them in this lifetime. I was the only one they could to leave their posts for, they became almost like my second parents.

'You've grown up so much little princess.' Michiru said, when Haruka let go she asked, 'What's your name in this life now?' 'It's still Serenity,' I said. 'So you and the rest of the guardians have all been reborn?' Michiru said. 'The guardians were reborn along with Endymion,' I said 'But also I thought Pluto would've have told you about it?' 'How is Pluto?' Haruka asked as we sat down 'She's doing good I see her whenever I feel the need to talk to her.' I said.

'How can you see her, Silver Millennium is in ruins.' Michiru questioned, 'We defeated Metalia because of that Silver Millennium was rebuilt,' I said 'There's one thing I didn't get reborn, after being handed the starlight crystal it left and imprint of me that helps stars last a very long time like the star kingdom.' Haruka said 'What do you mean?' as she looked confused, 'When I saw Endymion killed and turned the blade on myself I didn't die but left myself suffering because I couldn't die after the starlight crystal left the imprint,' I said 'I was saved by Anodite who used her last remaining power to save my life. Turning into a child eased that and I restarted my life again with the Tennyson's only that wasn't a pleasant experience growing up. While still being who I am on earth I'm balancing being queen to both the moon and the star kingdom. I set up a council to do the work on my behalf, but I get left with the paperwork.'

'You still haven't changed,' Haruka said 'Always putting others before yourself.' She laughed ruffling my hair, 'Thank you for the offer and I would love to join Mugen Academy.' I said 'Finally we have someone we know at the Academy,' Michiru said, 'Your uniform and welcome pack should arrive in the mail within a couple of days before summer ends there's a five day training course we will be here for you.' Haruka said 'As we've just finished our first years so we'll all be in the same year.' 'Well I look forward to it.' I smiled.

Summer finally at an end and school had started at first, I never told the girls what school I was going to until they saw the uniform one day. But because of school and spending time with Mamo the knight s and the girls it felt like I had less time with Haruka and Michiru. It was coming into February Michiru and I had a concert at the school together we played a bunch of music we had rehearsed together, when we had finished Michiru said 'Serenity has a piece of music that we will play herself and sings.' (Fight song nightcore version) I played the song in the audience was many people who I had once considered family including Mamo.

Haruka hugged me as soon as I got off stage, Mako jumped on me 'That was out of this world Serenity.' She said 'Thanks you guys I'm glad you think so.' I said, as Haruka and Michiru had gone not wanting the others to know them 'Where's Mamo?' 'He has a little surprise for you.' Minako said. When we got outside the plumbers stood there including the Magistrata, she spoke up and said 'Queen Serenity I know we should have done this after the fall of the dark kingdom, but the plumbers should have told you and the guardians about their involvement. But now we own the moon kingdom a great deal of apology for what has happened I the past and no amount of grovelling can make up for it.'

'I understand why you thought it was necessary,' I said 'I thank you for being honest with us and I can understand why you did it. So to moved forward from the past I hope that we can start again with a new partnership.' 'I think we would like that very much,' she said 'Can we finalise some details for this then.' 'I have a previous engagement to attend to Jonathon and Kevin Levin my advisors will finalise them with you within the moon castle.' Usagi gave me the instructions to meet Mamo I found him in the park with a little picnic set up, 'Hi.' I said.

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