Real Friends

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Azmuth said 'But it did something more marvellous, it healed you and changed you into a baby. Queen serenity called me to the moon as it turned into the ruins and asked paradox Pluto and I to tell you when the time was right.' Pluto said 'I took you through the time and space gate to the future of where they were going to be reborn Paradox was waiting for me, we passed you over to a family we thought would look after you and cherish you as their own, the Tennyson's, Max Tennyson was too old to look after you so we place you with his son carl in the hopes that he would raise you like his own.'

'So, you are Princess Serenity of the moon kingdom, and queen of the star kingdom you have always been.' Paradox said 'You just need a tragic even to wake you up as we erased you memories so that you could have a normal life, you Anodite powers stem from the Anodite that gave you her life. She was one of the many creator that brought Verdona into this world with her mana.' 'Thank you for telling me,' I said 'I've always said this is who I am.'

I soon returned to my body, 'I know who I am,' I said 'Who I have always been and you cannot stop Metalia your darkness cannot win I will not allow it to happen.' I grasped the crystal and the brightness enveloped us destroying her darkness we landed on the ground the crystal floating above us. 'We actually managed to escape from her the legendary silver star crystal did what I asked it to.' I said.

I touched Tuxedo Mask's hand and he felt warm again, his lips moved he said 'Serenity.' He sat up blue eyes stared back at mine 'Mamo,' I whispered. 'Serenity.' He whispered as he hugged me, 'It's a miracle.' 'Yes, it is,' he said 'and it's all because of you. Metalia.' Mamo pulled me grabbed the crystal and shielded me from her attack, 'I won't let you have them,' Mamo growled, 'Not the princess or the crystal. Serenity listen to me take the crystal and use its power to vanquish Queen Metalia.' 'I will.' I said.

Taking the crystal in hand, 'Queen Metalia,' I shouted 'I won't let you win.' As the crystal shone brighter than it ever did, Metalia came even closer to it but it wasn't working the gem of his knights broke I used my mana to keep them from disappearing and sent them to the moon where they were to be whole again, I couldn't let the guardians suffer any longer.

I fell back, 'It's alright I've got you,' Mamo said 'Nothing can replace your friends, but you're not alone I'm here. Right beside you, you can do this you're the last surviving heir to silver millennium, you are Sailor star.' 'I am Sailor star,' I said as I saw the galaxy swirling around in the crystal and saw my reflection the crystal opened into its pure form 'Remember aim for the star on Queen Metalia's forehead.' Mamo said 'No matter what happens next I'm right here with you.

'Give me the crystal or I'll rip you into little pieces.' Metalia said. 'No Metalia,' I said getting the staff out, ''I'll never you have it, Legendary Silver Star Crystal, give me the strength to triumph over Queen Metalia and rid the world of her evil. I am Sailor Star and Princess Serenity by the power of the moon and the stars and the silver star crystal. I banish you forever.'

A bright beam of light hit the star on her forehead but was having no effect, but then I remember the swords from the sword, 'Sailor Star don't hesitate.' Mamo said 'Just pray, believe in yourself.' I briefly closed my eyes thinking of everyone including my adopted family, 'Oh great power of the moon, awaken. Lend me your strength and I will magic with every onus of energy that I have left.'

The moon then began to shine as bright as the silver star crystal, 'Such brilliant white light,' Mamo muttered behind me 'I've never seen the moon shine like this it's gleaming like the crystal.' Metalia groaned in awe at the power 'What luminous radiance, the supreme power I've been thirsting for at last.' Metalia's hand swept up towards the light 'What's going on I cannot reach it,' She stuttered, 'What is this force.'

I smirked as it pushed her back, 'Begone Queen Metalia,' I shouted, 'By the power of the sacred moonlight. I will vanquish you.' Another powerful burst hit Metalia she and was gone, my transformation broach broke from using too much energy, I turned back into the person who I am always meant to be, myself, Princess Serenity.

I felt tired and my eyes closed, only a couple of minutes later I felt familiar lips on mine I woke to Mamo staring at me. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I hugged him 'We're together at last,' I cried 'I'm so happy I missed you, Mamo. Not once did I give up on you.' 'Serenity,' Mamo whispered 'I've wanted to hold you for so long.' 'We're Soulmates,' I said 'We were born for one another, meant to be. I love you so very much.'

I suddenly remember the girls, and my adopted family, 'The girls where are they, my adopted family are they safe.' I questioned. 'Don't worry I'll find them for you.' Mamo said as he placed his hand on the ground. For a split second, I forgot I had mana, so I did the same and found everyone was alright, Kevin had kept Gwen from coming to find me. Ben just wanted me to be in front of him at all time and Carl and Sandra didn't really care what had happened to me and now I know why, because I wasn't really their daughter.

I soon found the girls, and they weren't moving, Luna called out to me 'Serenity, Artemis Astra and I are on the moon, I you come here you can save the others. You can get using the legendary silver star crystal its fused with the moon and star staff use it.' Mamo nodded to me and I look towards the moon, take us to the moon, my home, Silver millennium. We arrived on the moon and I saw the moon castle restored to its former glory, I felt home here.

'It's the moon castle.' I said. 'That's right Princess Serenity,' Astra said as she noticed my current state. 'Silver Millennium has been restored,' Luna said. 'Serenity I am so proud of you,' Astra said. We all walked to the chamber of prayer where the crystal tower was now restored, 'It's beautiful.' I commented. 'You're the master of the moon Castle now; Serenity from here you will reign over all of Silver millennium as the new Queen Serenity.' Luna said

I kneeled to talk to Luna better 'Luna,' I said, 'I will be Queen Serenity of Silver Millennium, it's what my mother was training me for why I became queen of the star kingdom, but I have a condition because I have free time on earth with not being in school that allows me to be here as much as possible I would still like the chance to hand out with my friends be with family if you understand.' Astra said, 'We understand Serenity, you want to be both because that is who you are.'

'Before anything else happens I need to tell you all something,' I said. 'What is it?' Mamo asked I told them what Pluto, Paradox and Azmuth told me, 'So there I am and always have been Serenity the Princess from the moon kingdom or should I say Queen now.' 'It sounds like you made your decision my Serenity,' my mother appeared on the small platform 'I'm sorry to have kept that from you but I wanted you to have a life full of peace, but you didn't always get that.'

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