Without You

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'The crystals, I must find them, I need to,' Tuxedo mask said, 'But I didn't have any information and I don't have special powers to help me.' 'I know how you feel,' I said 'Even though I'm the leader, I don't feel like it. I'm powerless, it's my job to protect everyone but I can't. I guess that all we can do is try harder.'

I looked towards the TV Station and saw a dark purple cloud, I looked about at Tuxedo Mask 'Well Sailor Star what are you waiting for,' He said, 'I've seen you as a Sailor Guardian and a who you are, you can't let one single misfortune dictate who you are.' 'Starlight Power Make Up!' I shouted transforming I stood near them on another building 'I'm not going to let you get away with this.' I shouted. 'Sailor Star you too late.' Beryl said, 'Kneel before my awesome power.'

'I have met people like you before and you just like then rest of them,' I said, 'But you know one thing, I'm not going to give up not while I still have my friends and my family not while I have love but your heart is too cold to even do that.' Gripping tight on the Staff I use a new word for it 'Moon Healing Escalation.' I said as pure energy hit them weakening Zoisite I then use what energy was left to release everyone from the mind control and then I collapsed for too much energy use.

The next morning, I woke up in bed with the apartment I shared with Mamoru, I saw a pocket watch that showed the faces of the moon but it was broken, 'Your finally awake.' Mamoru said as I turned to face him he was wearing Tuxedo Mask outfit and I just knew it was him. 'I remember using the new moon and star staff using Moon Healing Escalation for the first time and then I'm not sure.' I said on the chair and table by the window I noticed his top hat and mask, 'After the battle you passed out,' Mamoru said 'You fell into a deep sleep. I couldn't wake you. Do you remember?'

'I think I do,' I said 'I can't believe I never noticed before. Why did you become Tuxedo Mask in the first place?' I got up from my place on the bed wearing one of his shirts. 'I did so that I could find my lost memories,' Mamoru said 'There is something I never told you like you never told me. They're gone and I need both Crystals to get them back.' He then told me of losing his parents and not remembering who he was.

'On my 6th birthday my parents died in a car accident and I lost all my memories,' Mamoru said 'I couldn't recognise my own name, they had to tell me what is was who I was. Mamoru Chiba is that who I am, I could be someone else entirely. That's how I felt for years, but then I started having this dream find the legendary silver crystal and starlight crystal, that's all she says and that's the only thing I know.' 'Hey, you're not alone in this,' I said. As I stared at him my brain caught up with me, 'I should go and see everyone they're probably worried about me.' I said Getting dressed quickly, I left, the girls were at school so there wasn't much I could do I saw Ben Gwen and Kevin in the park.

'What are you guy's doing here?' I asked, 'There's a rogue alien in the area,' Gwen said, 'We're here to round it up.' Later that night, the whole town had become brain washed looking for me Sailor Star including Ben and Kevin, 'Gwen, do you think you can get them to snap out of it.' I asked as ben kept turning into aliens to after us we kept up the shield for so long 'I'm sorry to do this Ben.' I whispered elbowing him in the ribs then flipping his onto his back hitting him in the head. 'Ow what the hell was that for.' Ben said

'Look now is not the time,' I said 'I need you to snap Kevin out of it they're after me not you. Starlight Power Make Up!' transforming I said, 'You want Sailor Star come and get her.' Using the staff, I used 'Moon Healing Escalation.' Again, and got rid of their mind control, Zoisite then came down on me I back flipped away 'Well, well Sailor Star you do have special powers. But they won't save you. You walk right into my trap.' Just as I was about to attack him he disappeared and reappeared behind me taking me into a choke hold.

'Now tell me where is the Legendary Silver Crystal and the Starlight Crystal.' Zoisite asked 'Like I would ever tell you.' I choked out 'Tell me where it is or you die.' Zoisite said 'Looks like you walked right into my trap then.' I said Becoming my Anodite form I phase through him I turned back into Sailor Star and picked up my staff 'What the?' Zoisite said 'Witness the full power of the Starlight Crystal.' I said, 'Cosmic Starlight power.' I slammed the staff on the ground which then attacked Zoisite with pure Starlight. He tried to get up, then was attack by a metal Crescent moon.

Sailor V stood on top of a building in the moonlight with a cat beside her the cat said, 'My mistress is of the moon kingdom Silver Millennium she is heiress to the sacred legendary Silver Crystal and Starlight Crystal she is Princess Serenity and Queen Serenity of the Star Kingdom.' The other were in awe but there was something deep inside me that told me that she wasn't the moon princess and that she was just a decoy for the real princess to come forward.

Sailor V finally joined us all, 'You've done a pretty good job so far Sailor Moon. I'm proud of you. I'm proud of you all, this may sound odd but I feel like I already know all of you.' Ben Gwen and Kevin came over to us, 'Why the hell did you have to hit me so hard woman?' Kevin asked Gwen 'To get you out of that mind control,' Gwen answered. 'Well have you even though that I like being brainwashed.'

I pinched the bridge of my nose 'Look Kevin I told Ben to do it,' I said, 'Who would you rather do it Ben who would do it hard harder or Gwen you is only doing for your wellbeing.' 'Well when you put it like that.' Kevin said sheepishly, 'Right now I want to see if Sailor Star can go around with one of my aliens.' Ben said. 'No Ben,' I said 'Being Sailor Guardian, you may think it's fun like battling aliens. It's not all fun and games till someone gets hurt when you're putting your life on the line for other people a true hero doesn't want the fame attached to it they just want to be themselves. It's time you saw that too Ben.'

I became myself and walked alone to the command centre at the arcade 'A hero's work is never done that's what you say grandpa isn't it.' I whispered to myself. Soon enough the princess told us about the Dark Kingdom and what she had been doing, after we all said we would fight and protect her to the end my dreams then began plaguing my thoughts while I was awake it was hard to know what was real and what wasn't.

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