Dear Me

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'Sailor Star the only way to banish the darkness is with a stronger light.' Tuxedo mask said. Channelling my Anodite powers and the Starlight Crystal I said 'Cosmic Starlight.' As a bright white light emerged from all around me aiming it at the ghostly image it groaned and was gone. Princess D fell to the ground, I ran to here healing any injury she may have had including Pierce who shot up like a bat right out of hell.

'What happened?' he asked. 'Just need a bit of Starlight.' I said until a man appeared on the roof Sailor Moon asked, 'What's going on?' I joined up with them the man said 'The only thing you hurt was my shadow.' 'They still got the better of you Nephrite.' Another man said as three more joined the one called Nephrite. 'Who are you?' Pierce called out 'We are the four Kings of the Dark Kingdom and serve our great ruler. I am Kunzite.' Kunzite said, 'Zoisite,' Zoisite called out. 'I am Nephrite.' Nephrite, 'Jadeite,' Jadeite said.

Nephrite said 'Here me Sailor Guardians and Plumbers the legendary Crystals you seek rightfully belongs to our great ruler and we will get it not matter what the cost. Then the dark kingdom will reign over this world and you will all bow down before our great ruler.' 'We won't let that happen.' Luna said, 'I'd like to see you try,' I said 'I have face countless of other people that have tried to rule this world before both human and alien. And you do not intimidate me.' 'Go ahead and stop us then.' Nephrite said.

'With pleasure.' I smirked holding out my hand before they disappeared I whispered 'Adfishio Potentia.' Multiple mana tendrils wrapped around them squeezing them and shocking them as well they escaped barely after I couldn't hold the Mana any longer. We ran away from the princess Pierce followed me a long with Astra and Luna, I yawned Astra said 'You wasted too much mana back there.' 'Yeah I know.' I yawned the others disappeared along with sailor moon I asked pierce to go with them as I sat down at a bench tired and took a cheeky nap back in the dress I was wearing.

During the nap, it felt like I had someone's lips on mine, it felt comforting and like I remembered something but there was still a nagging feeling that I couldn't remember it. About half an hour later I woke up, surrounded by Pierce, Astra, Luna, Usagi and two other girls 'Why didn't you tell me you were a Sailor Guardian?' Usagi demanded, Luna said 'Because she had other obligations to attend to.' 'I'm sorry but I don't know your names.' I said to the other two girls, 'I'm Ami Mizuno, Sailor Mercury.' Ami said. 'I'm Rei Hino, Sailor Mars.' Rei said. 'It's nice to finally meet the rest of the Sailor Guardians,' I said 'The reason why I have been here before to help any of you is because I work for the Plumbers intergalactic police.'

Astra continued 'Serenity has worked hard the last two years because the high alien activity coupled with Sailor business it made it very hard for her to keep it all a secret the world knows about her because of her brother Ben. Also, she is ¾ human ¼ Anodite from her grandmother on her father's side.' 'We have something important to tell you but that can wait until tomorrow,' I said 'Usagi can I...' 'Yes, you don't need to ask.' Usagi said dragging me to her home I met my aunt and uncle before given the spare room and fell straight asleep.

The next day I was meeting the girls at the arcade when they were finished school I was lucky that I could fit into some to Usagi's clothing, I walked through the park to get there soaking up some natural mana on the way there I got there and ran into Ami. 'Oh, hey Ami.' I said. 'Hey serenity.' Ami said. 'Hey who is this?' A brown-haired girl asked 'Mako, this is my cousin Serenity Tennyson.' Usagi introduced me Mako said 'Your cousin is a famous alien fighter.' 'That would be me,' I said 'So you're the new girl at school Usagi Ami go to. It's nice to meet you Mako you have a nice name and I love your earrings.' 'Your just like Usagi,' Mako said 'She said the same thing.'

Ami whispered, 'You really are something Serenity and Usagi, you've got such a big heart you can make friends with anyone.' Motoki said, 'So do you guys want to hear a weird rumour I heard from a customer the other day.' He explained it to us and we made our way there, when we got there, Ami said 'This is the bridal shop he was on about.'

Usagi said 'It's also the same one Naru went to I think.' I looked next me and said 'Where's Mako? We found her staring at a gorgeous wedding dress in the window, 'I wish I could wear a dress like that.' Mako said 'I think you'd look great in a dress like that,' Usagi said Ami agreed, soon enough I found Mamoru considering a store window 'I'll catch up with you guys later.' I said.

I ran up to him and put my hands over his eyes 'Guess who?' I said, Mamoru turned around grabbing my waist and twirling me around he pressed a kiss to my lips. After he set me down he said, 'How come you didn't come around yesterday your clothes were delivered during the day.' 'I had Plumber business protect the Princess D,' I said, 'I slept at my cousin's Usagi it got really late and I didn't want to disturb you.'

Mamoru said, 'I've got some studying to do but can we do dinner tonight takeout just me and you.' Of course,' I said, 'What time do I need to be there.' Come at nine,' Mamoru said pulling me in for another kiss. Later on, that day after familiarising myself with the town I found Tuxedo Mask in front of me 'Your friend Mako is in danger.' I nodded transformed and followed him the others were there standing in front of a monster bride that had Mako in her arms Nephrite appeared sending Mako into a flashback.

When she came back she said 'Was it all a lie?' 'Mako, don't give up on love,' I said 'Love is something that is pure and warming don't let that one little thing make you give up. We all have a soulmate that we are destined to be with you just haven't found yours yet but you'll know when the time comes just like I found mine,' a dark energy hit the other three while my mana shield still held.

'What the?' Nephrite questioned 'You may use dark energy that is not living,' I said 'But I use living energy that is in everything from you to the very ground we walk on.' Mako flipped the bride off her, Jupiter appeared on her forehead Astra threw her the Jupiter transformation pen and became Sailor Jupiter. She said 'I am the pretty guardian who fights for love and for courage. I am Sailor Jupiter. I'll fill you with regret and leave you numb.'

Nephrite said 'Not another one, you're a Sailor Guardian too.' 'You can't defeat the power of love, flower hurricane.' Jupiter said as a hurricane of flowers came out of her hand and attacked Nephrite and the bride cutting him deeply then brought down a thunder bold on the bride where she turned to ash.

Before Motoki could wake up were in the park Jupiter said, 'I feel in love with a senior who broke my heart after that it was painful to stay in school with him.' 'I'm so sorry.' Usagi whispered 'But that's not why I transferred,' Mako said 'He's not the reason I came here, it felt like something more important than love was calling me here. Like there was a whisper on the night wind and it told me I need to come here.'

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