(Mika) Chapter 26 - Standing (You is Pain)

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With the weight finally off my chest of professing my true, unwavering love for him, I take charge of changing his bandages, to much of his dismay. Yu thinks he's fine how he is and will change the gauze later, but I insist it be done now. 

There are bruises all over his body, though not nearly as bad as the bruises on his feet, which I should've been expecting. I wonder how many miles he walked today. And to think he slipped by me without a sound. He probably was gone for a few hours before I woke up, and I didn't wake up late at all. I was too excited to prove to my doubts that I'm indeed not imagining Yu being back. For a few moments this morning while searching for Yu, I've doubted myself, thinking Yu being here was all in my head. I tried to put the pieces together, and thank the gods Shiho came to tell me Yu's been found and is staying with Yoichi for the time being.

I gently unwrap the gauze from around his ankles and left foot. He must've gotten mad at it. I can recall gauze can be itchy in some cases. Let's just say, even though it was far before the modern ages today of technology more advanced than anything ever seen or imagined in my time of being human, even middle school wasn't all rainbows and glitter. Especially amongst the students. Now, children aren't as competitive in school, but that's also because swordplay isn't one of the core classes being taught to us. Gauze is kind of a hassle to deal with, from what I remember.

I'm gentle with Yu's feet that don't look so good. He winces from a simple, light-as-a-feather touch. "You really should pay more attention to your physical health and needs."

Yu sighs. "Now, why would I do that?" he asks, clearly joking and yet not even trying. "I've got you to do that for me- ow! Okay, okay! I'm just kidding, jeez!"

I smile in triumph, though not without one last rough tug of the gauze after wrapping it around his left foot and ankle. He doesn't complain this time, but bites his tongue with lips in a tight line. His fingers curl around the sheets of the bed, as if to keep from reacting as he did earlier. Before proceeding to treating his right ankle, I lift myself up some to meet his level and lean forward, kissing away the tears of pain that haven't yet fallen from his lashes. "You alright?"

Yu forces a strained "Mhm," meaning yes, though not very convincingly. "I hate life right now," he exaggerates as I wrap the last of the gauze around his other ankle.

"Punishment for not taking care of yourself," I reply, disposing of the used fabric of the gauze I had just changed for him. Before we can move on from this moment, there's a knock at the door, the visitor opening it up right after, destroying the main purpose of knocking in the first place. 

Krul and Inari step into the room, both about equal height. "There's a..." Krul pauses, as if trying to rethink her words. "...Visitor," she finishes, drawing out the word.

Confusion strikes Yu and I both, and I certainly do not miss the glance over to Yu, a strange look on both the girl's faces. "For whom?" I ask, even though I know there shouldn't be any visitors for Yu. Only a select few gods know about this place, even though it's a sanctuary for low-level yokai and other weak beings and creatures.

Krul bites her lip. She never does that. She also glances at Yu once again, and this time Yu's caught on to it as well, knowing by now it concerns him in some way. "He says he can... help with our... situation," she hesitantly adds, ignoring my question.

"Either one of you can go," Inari speaks up. "Or both. But it seems as if Yu isn't going to be walking anytime soon."

I sigh, not really think it's as bad as they are making it out to be. "Stay here, Yu. I'll check it out."

"Who is it?" Yu asks Krul, to which she once again hesitates and bites her lip.

Maybe it is bad.

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