Ice-cream And Chaos.

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Comments are much appreciated, they motivate me to update frequently. I hope you all enjoy the chapter.


'We sometimes give so much,
That we end up
Losing ourselves.'

Taylor's POV

"No, Jace. Choose one." I told Jace who continued to make his puppy face at me which was getting too hard to resist at this point. Harry was watching the whole conversation between Jace and I with a conflicted look on his face as if he wanted to give into Jace.

I glanced at Harry again who was looking at me as if I was a monster for not letting Jace have the four flavour of ice-cream that he desired but one look from me and Harry refrained himself from speaking in between. Good.

"No!" Jace stomped his tiny foot and let go off my hand while crossing his arms over his chest. How did he get so stubborn?

I wasn't being hard on him. At first I didn't want him to get four flavour because for one, he wouldn't be able to eat it all of it and even if he ate it all of it, he won't be able to finish his dinner. Second, now I definitely won't let him have it because he would start thinking that he would get whatever he wanted just by throwing a tantrum.

"Fine then.. You won't have any ice-cre-"

"How about I get the chocochips and cookie dough while Taylor get strawberry and you can have vanilla and then we can all share?" Harry offered and I looked over at him making him instantly raise his hands in a surrender motion. I wasn't even glaring at him.

"Thank you, Harry! You are the best not like others." Jace hugged Harry's leg and shot me a somewhat glare. Oh I see how it was.

"Let's just get this Superbowl and share." I said looking at the big chart of all the variety of ice-cream that were getting served in the parlour.

"Cool. Just like the ice-cream will be." Harry joked and I couldn't help but laugh at it. It was too lame to not laugh at. He was worse than Camila but Camila was lucky she had Lauren to laugh at her lame jokes. Seriously though, even when we would be in different rooms and Camila would make some really stupid joke, we would be hearing Lauren's laughter after few second of the joke being made.

"Okay. Go find us a table before someone kick you out for your lame jokes." I said to Harry who picked Jace up in his arm.

"If it was lame, why did you laugh?" Harry asked with a smirk and I rolled my eyes pushing him away, lightly.

"Mommy that's mean. Say sorry to Harry." Jace instantly came to Harry's rescue and I raised an eyebrow shocked when Harry started fake crying. These two were teaming up at me. Not fair.

"I.. Sorry, Harry." I 'apologised' to Harry who instantly stopped his crying and smirked at me.

"You are forgiven." He grinned at me while tickling Jace's side, playfully.

"Just go away, You big goof." I waved my hand as to dismiss them while trying my best to hold back my smile.

"Let's go, Jacey. We aren't needed here." I heard Harry talking to Jace while I rolled my eyes and went to the counter to get the Superbowl of four flavour ice-cream.

I glanced over at Jace and Harry while the man behind the counter made our ice-cream, they instantly waved at me with grin adoring their faces and I waved back slightly before looking straight ahead. Jace looked too happy with a male figure around which like always led me to think about what if Jace wanted a fatherly figure more than he showed.

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