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A really big chapter to make up for the very late update. I was busy with school and Ramadan and eid. Sorry everyone.
Next chapter goal

Big news at the end of the chapter

Comment- 35


'When someone helps you
And they are struggling too
That's not help,
That's love.'


Harry's POV

I walked out of the lecture towards the cafeteria to spend some time with a little group of my friend as they complain I have completely forget about them which was totally my fault. I was so desperate to spend time with Taylor that I hardly care about the life I have which didn't revolve around her much.

But was it really my fault? She was so smart and collected, I actually got to learn a new way of seeing things with Taylor. She opened a new vision for me which I had just started exploring and with her by side, it would become far more adventurous to explore together.

I spotted my group of friends easily due to the loud laughters coming from a particular table which was echoing through out the cafeteria. I wasn't really hungry so I went straight towards them and sat down among them joining the conversation immediately, updating eachother over what was going on with our life and assignments.

"I swear I will die if I got any more assignments. Bunking those two lectures was the biggest mistake of my life." Eric groaned slumping on the table while everyone moved their food away.

"Yet you will do it again if asked tomorrow." Nathanial pointed out the obvious with a roll of his eyes.

"Hell yeah!" Eric grinned at him while we shook our head at the dumbass though a smile was formed on our faces as well. He was the dumbass of the group but he was the life of it as well. I only talked with Nathaniel and Eric in the group, others were just there I must have interacted once or twice, maybe even call them my friends but wouldn't count on them. Everyone had those kind of friends I guess.

"Hey Harry! Can I have your copy of the notes? I dozed off during the end!" Eric asked me holding his hands up as if begging. I chuckled at his antics.

"He is sitting right here, Dumbass. No need to yell." Nathaniel threw his fries at Eric who caught them before putting it in his mouth.

"Why am I friends with him again?"

"Because You have a crush on me?" Eric mischievously grinned at him while I watched the interaction amused at their behavior but then I remembered I already lend my notes to someone.

"I can't give it to them right now, Mate. I gave it-"

"Hey Harry." I was cut off by Lauren who was approaching our table with my notes, I could hear Eric whistling seeing her. I rolled my eyes at him before smiling at her. I met her through Jace she was the one who uses to bring Jace to park. To know she was friends with Taylor made me feel a sense of familiarity with her.

"Hey Everyone." She acknowledged the other with polite smile before turning back to me with the familiar pair of green eyes. "Thank you for your notes, it really helped but I just didnt get the last part."

"Oh show me. I can help you with it now." I said and she nodded greatfully before taking a seat next to me and flipped for pages until she got to the part which she couldn't understand. Now looking at it, it was definitely because of my handwriting. Now this was embarrassing. It was bad as it is and writing while the professor talked.

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