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Sorry for the delay. Enjoy :)


'Your life only gets better,
When you get better.'


Taylor's POV

"Mommy." I rubbed my eyes while trying to sit up with Jace jumping on me, with my other hand I stilled him. I blinked few times to get adjusted to the sunlight coming from the windows and filling the room.

"Harry and I are making breakfast for you!" Jace exclaimed in happiness and got off me me finally. The excitement in his voice making me smile to myself but what he said had me surprised. I looked at the time to see, it read 11:17 AM. I slept in but atleast I wasn't feeling tired anymore.

The event of last night coming in my mind. The drunk confrontation with Lucas. The job. The kiss I shared with Harry. I felt a giddy feeling in the pit of my stomach, thinking about him.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" I questioned Jace, my voiced sounded hoarse to my own ears even my throat hurt to speak due to the dryness. I turned slightly and picked up the glass of water on the side table drinking it to soothe my dry throat. My other hand playing with Jace's soft hair.

"Harry said not to." Jace replied his hands busy with my shirt collar, playing with it. He looked up into my eyes suddenly and my breath hitched a little. His eyes so very much like Lucas yet so different. The innocence playing in them, the warmth they held Lucas could never. I have stopped associating with Lucas long ago but seeing him so often in club had ignited this old habit again.

"Oh. Why?" I asked subconsciously, my attention on the little kitten trying to crawl up the bed by climbing the blanket which was half on the floor. I quickly pulled her up before she falls and Jace grabbed it in his hands.

"He said Mommy is tired." He told while petting Olivia carefully. The little cat curling up, rubbing herself on his leg. I smiled to myself. Harry cared a little too much about everything but he was right.

After our moment last night. We went to sleep in my bed. Totally because I didn't want him to sleep on the couch. He was lying as far away as possible until he fall asleep, he literally had crushed me in his arms while sleeping soundly. He was the reason I couldn't sleep, I kept on looking at his face. His peaceful face distracting me from even thinking about what happened at the club. A part of me was glad I made him sleep with me because being alone with my thoughts was the last thing I wanted right now.

"I thought you and Harry both were making me breakfast." I said poking Jace's nose and he scrunched up his face. "I was missing you." He puckered his lip into a pout. I rolled my eyes at his dramatic antique. He was becoming a mini version of Selena.

"Of course you were." I muttered and moved forward to kiss his head, with my other hand gently petting Olivia before getting off the bed. "I will go check on him. Do you want something to eat?" I inquired as I bend down to look for my slippers.

"No-uh. Harry cut me apples and said an apple a day keeps angry mommies away." Jace laughed out when I gave him a made up horrid look. "How mean." I tickled his side and he jumped away laughing loudly showing off his dimples.

I kissed his head again before going to the bathroom to wash my face and to fix my hair then leaving the room to see Harry. I walked over to the kitchen door which was open wide, I was about to call Harry but stopped and decided to just look at him. He was putting batter of pancakes on a pan with utmost concentration because of the way his hand shook a little. I couldn't see his expression but I could tell he must be chewing his lip.

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