Pregnancy And Selfishness.

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Hope you all enjoy.


'Just being there for someone can sometimes bring hope,
when all seems hopeless.'


Taylor's POV


One fucking mistake.

I never imagined myself to be sitting in the middle of my bathroom with seven pregnancy test lying on the floor all around me, all of them showing positive sign.

Seven pregnancy test. I brought eight. The woman at the pharmacy had given me a sympathic look when I went back to buy seven more after getting the first one. Not everyone would be sympathetic or kind if I...really was pregnant.

"Fuck.. This is not right.. " I tried reassuring myself and picked up the last unused pregnancy test with my trembling hands as sweat formed on my forehead. This was my last chance.

I put the sample of my urine through a dropper on the pregnancy test, I was too far into my paranoia to be disgusted by the task. I dropped the dropper back into the glass and held the pregnancy test tighter in my clenched fist while I closed my eyes, praying to all the power of the universe to not let the negative sign change to positive.

I took a few deep breaths to calm myself and wiped my forehead on my forearm before slowly opening my eyes to reveal the white pregnancy test having a positive sign in it. I could feel my whole world crumbling. My entire future was flashing in front of my eyes that were getting blurry from the unshed tears that were coming out now. I dropped the pregnancy test on the floor and crawled back, away from all the tests. I didn't know what to do till now I was hoping for a miracle in the last pregnancy test that somehow it would stay negative and it would all be a ridiculous biological joke.

How could it even happen? I was so careful whenever I would indulge myself into any kind of sexual activity with Luke. Oh my God. Luke. How would he react? Forget Luke. Father. He would kill me. And the baby. Was I even going to keep this baby? And if I did keep this baby.. How would I survive half of this school year? How would everyone in school react? My teachers.. My friends.. Oh God.

Tears were falling continuesly out of my eyes and rolling down my cheeks to the cold floor. Sobs were breaking through my body, one after another. I wiped furiously at my cheeks to get rid of the tears that continued to fall. I took out my phone from my pocket and texted in the group a text about an emergency, I didn't know how I manged to do that with how much my hands were shaking. I dropped the phone on the floor and curled up my knees to my chest, burying my head in them and letting myself cry and drain all my emotions out.

Half an hour must have past and I heard hurried footsteps on the stairs, I knew it wasn't my father as he told me he was going on a 'business' trip for a day or two. I had never been this glad about his absence in my life. God know how he would have react if he was here and had seen me buying these test, the thought only made me cry harder.

"Taylor?" I heard Selena calling from my bedroom and I wanted to speak up and tell her I was in the bathroom but the only thing that left my mouth was a painful sob. They must have heard me because I heard cursing and hurried footsteps toward the bathroom.

"Fuck, Tay! Are you okay?!" Camila asked me, her voice full of panic as Selena and her approached me in the corner and sat down next to me on the floor, trying to check for any sign of injury while Lauren's eyes stayed on the pregnancy tests on the floor far from me.

"Does it even like look she is okay?!" Selena yelled at Camila while I tried to control my breathing pattern, I just couldn't stop crying.

"Well I am sorry! I just didn't know what else to ask-"

Don't Blame Me (Haylor)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon