Mask Off

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I haven't proofread so point out mistakes, please.


'It's like you wait until I am happy again.
And then you decide to walk right back into my life '

Back to present.

Taylor's POV

"What does your husband do?"

The question was so simple but it was enough to make me think of all the promises and sacrifices, the lies and the half hearted apologies. How could someone change so much? I didn't blame Lucas that much, because after all, we both were just too young to have such a big commitment of raising a kid and having a family. The only thing I blamed him for was making hollow promises and making me dream things that were bound to shatter into dust. Making me sacrifice my dreams and my future.

I wished for one day that I would get enough will to forgive him although I have moved on but I couldn't forgive him. If he was too young to commit to such responsiblity, so was I. The least he could do was let me go and be honest with me.

I stopped myself from thinking too much about it. It wasn't worth it. Harry too looked curious about my answer, "We are no longer together." I answered Sarah's much waited question and for some reason she didn't look happy by my answer while her eyes shot to Harry, momentarily.

"And he wasn't my husband." I know I shouldn't have said it, I should have let Sarah assume whatever she wanted and move on but I didn't want Lucas to have the title of my ex-husband. He didn't deserve it. I was dumb to mention that, now I could feel judgement sweeping out of her. She was surprised for a moment before her mouth formed an 'o' and she looked over at Harry with a little smirk as if to prove something. I didn't like that.

I glanced over at Harry who gave me a smile of reassurance, as if he was trying to convey that he still felt the same for me and wasn't judging me. I returned the smile.

"I kind of figured it out, I mean you don't look that old and no one in their right mindset would start a family this early." Sarah chuckled at her own joke and I gave her a little smile that I could muster up at her joke. "So are you in one of Harry's classes?" She asked and I furrowed my eyebrows slightly.

What was she trying to prove? I didn't get it. It was like she wanted me to speak about the things that she had already figured out, things that I wasn't so happy or proud about.

Harry too looked like he wanted to interrupt and save me from answering her questions which felt like she was interrogating me at this point. I took a deep breath and figured if I could live with the guilt of killing my own mother for years and with an abusive father and an ex that wanted to hunt me down. I could surpass her petty interrogation too.

"I dropped out of college. I met him in a diner, I work for." I explained patiently to her and pretended that college wasn't something I longed for all my life.

"So you are waitress?" Okay enough of her games and petty questions.

"Yup. This reminded me, I have to thank you. If it wasn't for you ditching Harry on that special date he had planned for you, I wouldn't have met him and become so close to him." I grinned at Sarah whose smile dropped completely and her eyes narrowed a little which made me grin more.

"Welcome." She let out through her gritted teeth. Served her right.

Taylor- 1
Sarah- 0

Harry seemed to be completely oblivious of the tension that had grown around us and smiled at me, "You are being too sweet today. Are you okay?" Harry asked me, playfully and put his hand over my forehead as if to check my temperature, I swatted his hand away.

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