Burning Pages

566 29 11

Finally. Update. Sorry for the delay. Hope you all enjoy.

BTW, a shoutout to @anastasiaswifts for her lovely comments and messages. It really motivated me. This chapter is definitely dedicated to you babe.


'There are four words
That mean so much more than
I love you,
And those words are
I'm here for you.'


Taylor's POV

"Look who finally decided to come back."

I jumped in fright, my hand shot up to my rapidly beating heart. Selena flicked on the lights and there she was lying on the couch with a blanket over her.

"Selena! You scared me," I said and she shrugged her shoulders while holding back a yawn as she sat up before stretching her arms. "Why are you sleeping here?" I asked as I approached her and sat next to her.

"I was waiting for you then I fell asleep," She replied as she rubbed at her eyes to get rid of the remaining of her sleep. I felt a tad bit guilty about it even though I didn't even tell her to wait.

"I am sorry, Harry and I fell asleep after-"

"Sex? And here I thought my innocent Taylor would be back with her regrown virginity intact, I underestimated you now I owe Lauren and Camila ice-cream-"

"You guys were betting on me again?" I asked her, narrowing my eyes at her before I focused on the part which was more important, "And no we didn't have sex. We stargazed." I felt my face flushing remembering everything that took place.

"That's so freaking cute," Selena gushed out, sitting up straighter with a pillow in her lap, giving me her undivided attention. "What else did you guys do?"

"Okay. First he had me blindfolded-"

"Ooh Kinky." I gave her an unamused look and she chuckled, "Sorry Sorry. Please continue."

"And he won't tell me what he had planned. He wanted it to be a surprise plus he was so nervous about it." I remembered Harry's nervousness about it, it was adorable in his own way.

"He took me to a rooftop, we watched a romantic movie. He had cooked for us.. Then we stargazed and we made our own constellations." My cheeks started to hurt a little from all the smiling I was doing while telling Selena who attentively listened with a big smile of her own as she dropped comments here and there.

"Then we just continued to talk until sleep took over me because of the way he ran his hand through my hair, I just felt so safe next to him." I leaned back on the couch and hugged the pillow tightly against my chest to get rid of the sudden flips my stomach was doing.

"He just have this way that I forget all my troubles when I am with him. He makes me happy. He makes me feel normal." I whispered the last part and Selena awed before pulling me into a tight hug which I returned.

"I am so happy for you, Tay. " I felt her lips on my head and she pulled away with a big grin on her face, "Now I approve of Harry," She said and I laughed with her. Finally.

"Thank you." I said with a little sarcasm in my voice which didn't go unnoticed by Selena as next thing I know was a pillow on the side of my head.

"Do you put stones in it?" I asked as I lightly rubbed the spot where she hit me.

"Yes. I got them from your grave."

I rolled my eyes and picked up Olivia who approached me and started mewing up at me. "You fed her?" I asked, no purpose just to bother Selena.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2020 ⏰

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