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"tyler, are you okay? you look really tired." joe said and i looked over at him. i was going to kill justin for keeping me up so late.

"yeah, i'm fine. it was just... a very long night." i said and closed my locker and started walking, slightly wincing at how sensitive i was at the moment.

he walked besides me and sighed. "tyler, i thought you weren't going to give in last night?" he asked and i shot him a glare.

"yes, i know what i said, but for some damn reason, i just... i can't deny him." i said and looked away from him and tried speeding up my space.

only to wince once again. people were starting to notice my slowness and it was pissing me off. i kept getting a good amount of glares. and they were all from justin's old flings. many of them were jealous that it was me he fucked all the time.

or that i was the one he came to when he wasn't satisfied with whoever else he had been. they all wanted my position. little did they know that i envied them. he spent more time talking to them then he did with me.

"you have to let him know, tyler, you have to be blunt and just say it to him. it won't kill him." joe said and i was getting tired of discussing this with him.

"i know, okay. just drop it and leave it alone. i'll deal with it later. i just want to go to class and just get over today." i said and he nodded.

he wrapped his arm around my shoulders and as we walked to our first class, i noticed a few people looking at us and whispering to each other.

great. now they're talking about us. and just as we were nearing the class, i saw justin arguing with a couple of jocks.

"what is he doing now?" i said and joe chuckled.

"oh look, it's your little boyfriend. you might want to go to him before joe tries to take him." one of the guys said and justin didn't look so happy.

"how about you shut the fuck up. tyler isn't my boyfriend and you trying to spread false information isn't funny. so i'd cut it out if i were you." justin snapped back and they all laughed.

"and what are you going to do about it? you obviously let him control you with his whorish ways. you say you guys aren't exclusive, but yet you go around hurting people and telling them that you are." this guy was getting on my nerves.

what the hell was he talking about?

"when have i told them that what tyler and i have is exclusive? tyler knows that we're fuckbuddies and that's it. so i don't know where your getting that from." justin said and the jock didn't seem to buy it.

but something about justin calling me his fuckbuddy, bothered me. it was almost as if i wasn't his best friend anymore.

just a fuckbuddy that can't seem to say no when it comes to his irritating urges.

and for justin's sake and mine, i walked closer to them. "justin and i are nothing more than fuckbuddies as he just said. people are jealous that at the end of the day, i'm the one that satisfies him the best. and i also don't understand what any of this has to do with you." i said and the jock didn't seem too happy.

"it has everything to do with me because my brother was the one to get hurt because of him." he said and glared at justin.

of course. justin just had to go for the younger ones. when is this boy going to learn! ugh.

"then that seems like something your brother should be dealing with, not you." i said and he moved his glare over to me.

i was getting irritated with this situation and justin wasn't doing much to help. i looked over at him and he had a hard look on his face.

the jock was going to say something else, but the bell cut him off and simply turned around and walked away.

i sighed and turned to face justin. he was just staring at me blankly and not wanting to deal with him, i started walking away.

"tyler." he called out but i didn't stop. joe was waiting for me by the classroom door and with a simple look, he knew that justin was once again annoying me.

"for fuck sakes, tyler. can you stop and listen to me, you're acting like a jealous bitch." justin said and that irked me.

i turned around and glared at him. "you know what? why don't you go bother someone else? just like you said earlier, were just fuckbuddies. there shouldn't be any other reason why we should even talk if its not for a quick fuck." i said and walked away.

him labeling me as a fuckbuddy, hurt. all this time i thought he saw me as his best friend like i did, but now i know that, that wasn't the case. both joe and i walked in our class and i noticed the concerned look on his face.

i didn't like it one bit. "you okay?" joe asked as we sat in our regular seats.

"yeah, i'm fine." was all i said as i turned to face the front. but even if i tried my best to pay attention to the teacher, i just couldn't.

the more i thought about the situation that i was in, the more frustrated i became with myself. why couldn't i just cut things off? i didn't want to continue this. yes, it has only been going on for a couple of months, but i hate that fact that justin no longer considers me as his best friend.

i looked up at the clock and the second the bell rang to dismiss us, i was one of the firsts to get out of there. i couldn't handle being here. i really needed to figure things out.

joe had called out to me, but i pretended to not hear him and simply got out of the school and to my car. i didn't want to be here and i just needed some time to myself.


just know, that me updating this frequently isn't going to last lol 

Fool For You - Jyler [mpreg] √Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora