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"fuck, i shouldn't have drank so much." i mumbled as i rubbed the sleep from my eyes. i tried sitting up, but someone's arm wasn't letting me.

i looked over to my side, my eyes widening as i saw who was next to me. "no, this can't be happening." i whispered and without waking him up, i got up from under his arm.

i quickly found my boxers and put them on. i winced as i walked over to the mirror. i felt myself panicking as i saw the amount of hickeys all over my body.

i tugged at my hair frustrated with myself. i couldn't believe that i had let this happen. i turned to look back at the bed and froze on my spot as justin moved in him sleep. he mumbled against the pillows before going still.

once i knew that he wouldn't woke up, i started getting dressed. wincing at the pain in my lower back and my jeans rubbing against the hickeys on my thighs.

i don't remember much of what happened, it was very obvious what had happened. the scratches on his back and few hickeys on his neck gave it away.

as well as the soreness in my ass. i picked up the last piece of my clothing and put it on. using the hood to pin back my hair and to hide most of the hickeys.

looking back in the mirror, i knew i looked like a mess. my swollen lips and bloodshot eyes showed both, my lack of sleep and what had happened last night.

i pulled out my phone and looked for joe's number. the shakiness of my hands wasn't helping.

i tried calming down as i walked over to the window. i waited for joe to answer and sighed in relief when i heard him.

"tyler, where are you? are you okay? ashley and i have been looking for you almost all night. we asked wyatt and he said that you just walked off." joe said and i could hear the panic in his voice.

"yeah, i'm fine. i'm at wyatt's house." i said as low as possible to not wake justin up.

"alright. i'm just arriving at his house. i left to drop off ashley." he said and i when i looked out the window, his car was surely in front of the house.

"alright then, i'm on my way." i said and hung up. i glance out the window one last time before i turned around.

i flinched when i saw justin standing in front of me. he only had his lower body covered and had his shirt in his hands.

"you know, hickeys are made to be showed off." he said and walked closer to me. i froze in my spot.

"don't hide them. show everyone how much of a whore you are." he said and pulled down my hood that was covering them.

i felt my eyes water in anger and pushed him away from me. "then show off the scratches on your back. they definitely show that you fucked someone else instead of tanner. let's see how you explain that to tell him."

i walked past him, lifting the hood back up. i didn't look back at him as i walked out of the room.

not caring who was asleep in the living room, i hurried past them all and ran to joe's arms. he had been waiting for me by the front door.

"get me out of here." i mumbled against his neck. he knew i wasn't going to let go of him so he picked me up.

only setting me down when we got to his car. he opened the door for me and i got in. i waited for him to get in the car before i moved and sat on his lap.

"tyler, i don't think this will be ideal for getting you home." he said and i ignored him.

i buried my face in his neck and hugged him. he sighed and reluctantly drove us to my house.

and before i knew it, we were at my house. "let's get you inside and then we can cuddle all you want." i sighed and moved from his lap.

i wanted to sleep forever after last night. i still couldn't believe that i let myself give in so easily.

and as we walked to my house, i tried hiding my slight limp, but joe was quick in noticing. "come here." he said and picked me up again.

my body was tired and aching. i simply laid my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes as i took us inside my house.

my best guess was that my parents weren't home since i didn't hear anyone when we walked in.

i don't know for how but the rest of the weekend had gone by so quick. the hickeys hadn't faded enough, but ashley had helped me with covering them up.

and just like before, justin and i were the center of attention once again. someone had recorded what had happened with us and wyatt and it was all people could talk about.

monday's naturally suck, but with having to deal with people's bullshit, it sucked even more. the constant questions and rumors spread, gave me a headache.

joe and ashley tried their best to get people to stop coming up to me, but it only got worse when lunch came around.

"you fucking whore! i told you to stay away from justin!" tanner said and before i knew it, he had slapped me.

i stumbled into ashley when he did, not expecting him to have hit me. everyone out on the halls turned to look at what was going on and i've had enough of people not minding their own business.

i glared at everyone looking before setting my glare on tanner. "i did what you fucking wanted! not my fault you don't please him enough that he had to chase after me!" i yelled and pushed him back.

he stumbled into justin's arms, but quickly shrugged him off. "you could have walked away from him! but instead, you spread your legs for him!"

without thinking, i backhanded him. i'm so sick and tired of him trying to blame this on me. and i knew it was justin's doing.

he glared at me and lifted his arm to hit me again and i grabbed onto to his wrist, digging my nails into his skin.

my other hand wrapped around his neck, putting pressure to it. "stop testing my patience with your bullshit." i said and shoved him back to justin.

"keep your bitch on a leash and stop feeding him lies about me." i told justin and turned around to face joe and ashley.

i was done with today and i'm glad that joe can read me so easily. we got our things from our lockers and left the school.

not once looking back and only wanting to forget what had happened.



Fool For You - Jyler [mpreg] √Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang