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"i don't want to go back. i like not having school." i said and joe chuckled.

"we had two weeks off of school, we're graduating in less than two months, what more do you want?" he said.

i rolled my eyes at him and looked away from him and alex. since joe invited him to hang with us the first day of spring break, he became part of our group.

"what type of question is that? with his situation, he obviously wants as many breaks as he can get." alex said.

"thank you! see, he gets me." i said and alex giggled. joe rolled his eyes and i laughed when alex hit his arm.

"don't you roll your eyes. i bet that if you were in the same position you would feel the same." alex said and joe groaned as he laid back on alex's bed.

we had finally changed it up a bit and hung out at alex's place. "you two need to stop hanging out. you're picking up tyler's habit of smacking me." joe said and alex smirked.

"well, that's your fault for introducing us." alex said and crawled on top of joe.

"ugh... you two make me feel so single." i said and laid back onto the bed as well. alex giggled and cuddled more into joe.

"you're single by choice." alex said and joe nodded. "maybe if you were to respond to wyatt, you wouldn't be so single." he added and i sighed.

i could give wyatt a chance, but it just didn't seem right. "that's true, but i don't want to lead him on when i know that i most likely won't feel the same." i said. and it was true. i could give wyatt a chance, but my heart wouldn't let me feel the same for him as he does for me.

"justin doesn't deserve you, tyler. you're way too good for him. if he couldn't realize that you're the best thing that has happened to him, then he's not worth your time." joe said and i looked over at him.

alex was cuddled on his chest with his eyes closed as joe played with his hair. needless to say, i envied what they had.

i tried to not show what i felt about them, but it was nearly impossible to hide it from joe. "i know exactly what's going on through that mind of yours." he said without looking over at me.

i sighed and sat up, leaning against the headboard. "i hate that you can read me so well." i mumbled and he chuckled.

"it's kinda hard not to. but anyways, i know that feeling and it sucks. just don't let it get the best of you." he said softly as alex was now asleep on top of him.

i sighed once again and got up from the bed. but just as i did, i felt like everything was spinning and a sudden wave of nausea hit me. "ty, you okay?" i heard joe say and i nodded.

"yeah." i managed to say as i tried my best to not feel nauseous. "i think i might be getting whatever ashley had. i just felt very dizzy and nauseous." i said and took deep breaths.

"want me to take you home?" he asked and i heard shuffling going on. i closed my eyes to get the dizziness away, but it was still there.

i tried focusing on calming the dizziness and nausea. once it had passed, i opened my eyes and turned to look at joe.

both him and alex were looking at me. "you okay?" alex asked and i nodded.

"yeah, but it's best i go home just in case i get nauseous again." i said and alex nodded. i knew hanging out with a sick ashley wasn't the best idea, but she was persistent.

"i'll text you when i get to his house." joe said and pressed a kiss to alex's forehead, before helping me stand without losing my balance.

"i hope you feel better." alex said as joe and i walked towards the door.

"yeah, hopefully."


of course, the second i got home and went up to my room, i felt sick again. except this time, i couldn't hold it back.

"why? why did i have to get sick just before we go back to school?" i groaned and tried my best suppressing back another wave of nausea.

"i seriously have the worst luck." i said and tried focusing on joe rubbing my back.

"hopefully it just comes and goes unlike ashley. she was sick for all of spring break." joe said and helped me stand up.

i flushed the toilet before washing my hands and brushing my teeth. "she was sick for this long because she wouldn't rest. until it really weakened her, then she listened to us." i said.

"yeah, well, you listen to me and rest." he helped me get into bed before going down stairs.

"here, take this. your mom told me to give you this." i sat up and took the medicine joe gave me. "hopefully it helps prevent you from getting sick."

"i really hope so because i hate being sick." i said and motioned him to laid down next to me. once he was laying down next to me, i cuddled up to him.

"not only that, but i don't want you to get me sick too." he said and chuckled. i smacked him on his chest and that only made him laugh more. i pouted and moved away from him.

"i don't want to cuddle you anymore." i said and he shrugged.

"fine by me." i gaped at him as he simply pulled out his phone. i rolled my eyes and laid down next to him.

while everything was silent, my mind drifted back to the last two weeks. we all met alex, dealt with a sick ashley who forced us to go prom shopping even though it's not another three weeks or so, and now there's a chance i'm getting sick.

great, just great. i wanted the rest of my senior year to not involve me getting sick, but by the looks of it, it might end up happening.


another boring chapter... sorry lol.

but guys... there's only 7 chapters left plus an epilogue... and maybe some extra chapters in justin's pov...

i'm sad... i don't want my baby to end :(

Fool For You - Jyler [mpreg] √Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя