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after i was released from the hospital, my parents didn't want me to go to school for at least a week.

i tried convincing them that i needed to go back, but nothing worked. and while i had been stuck at my house for week, ashley had been the only one visiting me.

she brought me my work for me to do while i was absent. and simply with the fact that i still had her around, i knew joe hadn't told her about what happened.

he was waiting for me to tell her. but once the week was over, i wasn't sure if i wanted to go back.

apparently new rumors had started up again about me and i really didn't want to deal with those.

and even as i drove to school, i couldn't help get nervous. my morning sickness had gotten a bit better on some days, but it couldn't be said the same for other days.

since my body isn't meant to have something growing inside of it, my symptoms were a bit stronger than most women.

once i got to school, i could see everyone looking over at me. i sighed and just tried my best to ignore them.

from what ashley said, they all thought i was sick which was good because i don't want everyone to know that i'm pregnant.

"hey ty, how are you feeling?" ashley said as i got out of my car.

"been better." i said and we both started to walk towards the building. i avoided eye contact with anyone that passed by us.

"has joe talked to you?" i asked her and she nodded.

"yeah, he seemed a bit stressed, but other than that, he seemed fine. why? has he not talked to you?" she said and i sighed.

i shook my head and walked up to my locker. "i tried calling him, but all my calls were sent to voicemail." i said.

i didn't want to be in bad terms with joe, but it seemed like he was avoiding me as much as he could.

"well, whatever it was that you two argued about, i'm sure he'll come around." ashley tried to reassure me that everything would be fine, but i know that when she finds out what it was, she'd be siding with him.

"yeah, i hope so..." i still want joe to be part of my life, but getting him to talk to me again, wasn't going to be easy.

"look, there he is. go try to talk to him." she said and point down the hall where joe was currently taking things out of his locker.

i shook my head and closed my locker. "i rather not. i have a feeling that if i walk up to him, he's going to walk away before i can even get close to him." i said and glanced once again towards him.

not once did he look over at us or talk to ashley when i was around. as lunch came around, the more anxious i got.

i needed to tell justin before i got more nervous and didn't tell him. i looked around the cafeteria and there wasn't any sign of justin.

"ty, are you okay? does something hurt?" ashley said and turned her attention to me. i sighed annoyed.

"yes, i'm fine." i said for the hundred time today. all my friends had been asking me the same question every time i wouldn't be talking to them.

"i'll be right back." i said and got up.

"where are you going?" chris asked and stood up as well.

"i'm going to the bathroom, i won't take too long." i said and left. i needed a break from their constant hovering.

once i was inside the bathroom, i sighed in relief. i walked over to the sink and splashed cold water onto my face.

Fool For You - Jyler [mpreg] √Where stories live. Discover now