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the last few weeks of school had gone by so fast and before i even knew it, graduation had crept up on us.

my morning sickness had only gotten worse and getting any food in me had been difficult. whenever i could, i would try my best to stop from throwing up.

and because of my body not adjusting to me being pregnant, all of my friends took turns looking after me.

joe had always been there when i needed him and i couldn't be more grateful to have him in my life.

any rumors about me that involved justin had died down, but since his new boy toy thought he was entitled to everything, he had tried to start something between us again.

my friends helped with stopping the situation from getting any bigger and made it known to everyone that i needed to be left alone.

but of course, the people who didn't like knowing the fact that i was pregnant had tried to make these last couple weeks as miserable as possible.

and as much as i tried ignoring it, it followed me everywhere. my baby bump had grown a bit more and if it weren't for the oversized shirts and sweaters that i would wear, people would be able to notice.

"tyler, are you sure you want to do this?" i sighed as i turned to look at my mom.

since she found out the my babies' dad was justin, she wasn't so happy about it. specially when i let her know that i was having twins and that he didn't want to be part of their lives.

"yes, mom. even though he doesn't want to know anything about them, i think that maybe this could change his mind." i said as got the envelope from her.

i walked over to my desk and picked up the two ultrasound pictures that i had picked out. "well, i guess we could only hope for the best." she said and i sighed.

"hopefully." i waited until she walked out of my room to get the letter i had written as well.

i placed them all in the envelope before looking over my outfit one last time. i smiled as i looked down at my bump.

i snapped out of my thoughts as i heard my mom call me. i sighed and walked out of my room.

as i reached the bottom of the stairs, my mom was holding onto my cap and gown. my dad held onto the envelope while my mom helped with putting on the cap and gown.

"you know, even though we're a little upset you're making us grandparents so early, we couldn't be more proud of you. i know that these last couple of months haven't been the easiest, but you stayed strong through it all." she said and i chuckled.

"mom, isn't the crying supposed to be for after graduation? not now." i said and they both chuckled.

"okay, okay, i'll save it all for after graduation." she said and took the envelope from my dad. "i'll hold onto to this until you're ready to hand it to Justin." she added and i nodded.

we soon made our way to school where everyone was already taking pictures with their friends before the ceremony started.

my parents put on my leis once we were out of the car. once they were on, i made my way to where my friends were hanging out.

"you ready? after this no more high school and it's off to college." chris said and i nodded.

"i'm more than ready to get out of this place." i said and ashley nodded.

"i think we're all ready to leave this place." ashley said and everyone around us agreed. even though we made some good memories, i wanted to leave this place in the past.

Fool For You - Jyler [mpreg] √Where stories live. Discover now