Chapter 11

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Hooked Chapter 11, a harry potter fanfic | FanFiction

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters from Harry Potter

Warnings: Drug abuse, Bad language

Chapter Eleven

Everything was numb. Colours where brighter but more blurred together and sound was distant and hazy. It was like a shield that dulled down anything that tried to get to him physically and mentally. It protected him.

"Harry?" came a quiet voice from the distance

"Harry?" there it was again.

"Harry?" then came a clear voice from right in front of him. It was Ron.

Harry looked around to see he was in the great hall and it was breakfast? Lunch? He didn't know. He couldn't even remember how he got here.

"Harry, are you okay?" asked Hermione worriedly. Again.

"Yeah, you look a bit dazed mate" said Ron concerned.

Harry looked confusedly from Ron to Hermione with misty eyes then smiled clumsily.

"I'm great" he declared then went to rest his head on his arms on the table and turned to the side. Everything was spinning slightly.

"Well, we were just talking about the half term holidays" said Hermione

"What?" asked Harry absently while playing with a bit of threat on the sleeve of his jumper.

"The half term holidays? You know, the extra holidays?" reminded Hermione. Harry said nothing. "For Merlins sake Harry do you ever listen?"

"Sometimes" replied Harry impassively

"We get a week off school, just before Halloween. We've already arranged it so you can come back to ours" said Ron

"Cool" replied Harry, still not really listening

Hermione rolled her eyes. It was a week after Harry and Ella sneaked out and it was only last night when they had been told about the extra holidays. They had been given half term holidays because of Voldemorts return families feel safer knowing they get to see their children more often and check up on everything. But for people like Harry it meant nothing.


Being able to function without the shakes after a high was amazing to Harry; the heroin would keep him numb and sane for a good day or so before he started to feel the withdrawal symptoms. He still kept up his usual routine but he found he was a lot less able to concentrate until hours after the initial high, so the midnight training sessions and studying were pretty much replaced by lounging around and sometimes meeting up with Ella to talk.

Even though it had just been a week since he had last seen Davy and the gang, he felt like he desperately needed to see them again sometime soon, not only for the company, but also to re-stock on his new coping method (which he didn't really want to put in a letter in case one of the others found out about it). Now that he knew how easy it was to get there and back, he could probably do it again soon, maybe in a couple of weeks when the teachers were less likely to be 'looking out' for him.

"Hey Hazza" said Ella smiling

"I don't think so" replied Harry shaking his head

"What's wrong with Hazza, Hazza?" asked Ella lighting up

"Theres a lot of things wrong with it. You got any drink on you?" asked Harry taking a long drag of a cigarette

"You mean drink, drink? No, it's 2.30 in the afternoon. Hey, shouldn't you be in potions right now?"

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