Chapter 12

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Hooked Chapter 12, a harry potter fanfic | FanFiction

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters from Harry Potter

Warnings: Drug abuse, Bad language

Chapter Twelve

It was three days in at the Burrow and Harry already wanted to kill someone. It seemed that they were under orders to constantly follow him around and bug him to death for the entire holiday. It was near impossible for him to get high because of this. Every time he was more than 5 minutes in the bathroom someone would be there asking if he was okay. Every time he said he was just going for a walk, one of them would always try and tag a long despite the subtle hints that he wanted to be alone.

"Do I look too fucking dumb to you, to walk around in a forest by myself?" he asked darkly

Bill just smiled; Harry usually saved his more creative vocabulary for him and this usually just encouraged him to follow him even more. It's probably due to the fact he's dealt with 5 younger brothers already.

"No, I just fancy a walk with my best friend's brother" said Bill slapping him on the back "Now let's go"

"Stupid gingers" muttered Harry under his breath. He was so tired.

These obstacles lead to Harry having to getting his main fix at night when he was a lot less likely to be disturbed. The up side to this arrangement was that he could enjoy the high for ages without anyone being suspicious and if he drank enough alcohol after shooting up, then he would just black out, so he would have no nightmares that could lead him to be yelling in the middle of the night. The obvious downsides were that by making himself black out was the fact that it was very unhealthy even by his standards and blacking out does not really make up for sleep which he was already getting very little of before he came to the Weasley's house, let alone afterwards.

The other hard thing to deal with was the smells of alcohol and drugs. On the first morning here Hermione had come into the room he and Ron shared and said she smelt a strong smell of alcohol. So after that he had to try and drink in the bathroom, where there were charms that would automatically freshen the room after use. There was also the fact that he smoked and he smoked quite a lot when he was stressed like he was now. He thinks that Mr and Mrs Weasley knows that he does because of the smell but they haven't said anything. He would mostly smoke when he had his walks, so everyone else knew about it.

"You really shouldn't smoke you know" commented Bill with a frown

"Yeah it says something like that on the packet" he replied sarcastically

However the biggest problem living here was that he couldn't have any real contact with Davy and the others. To make his phone work here he would have to perform another spell, which he couldn't do while outside of school. Because of this, he could only send them letters and that wouldn't be effective as it takes about 5 days for them to send one letter to each other so he had just left Hedwig at school. He couldn't even walk to a place where he could get a signal as he was only allowed within the wards of the burrow, even while on his walks. He never thought he would say this, but he really couldn't wait to get back to Hogwarts.

"So, how's school?" asked Bill

"Fantastic" he replied deadpanned

Bill laughed "Yeah, they mentioned you weren't having the best time"

Harry turned to look at Bill "What?" he asked

"Hey don't shoot the messenger" said Bill holding his hands up in the air "They're just worried"


"Anyway, you better get all this anger out of your system before Remus comes down" said Bill. He saw Harry give him a questioning look and continued "Remus is coming round with Tonks for dinner tonight, he wants to see how you are as well"

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