"Garrance scenarios & head-cannons."

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head-cannons and scenarios that we desperately need cause they're so friggin' cute

im bored and cant think of a proper one shot okay? okay.


garroth's hair being a bit long so when he's sleeping laurence ties it up into cute curly buns

• garroth counting laurence's freckles when he's trying to fall asleep & never being able to finish without dozing off cause laurence has so many

• garroth and laurence going to a coffee shop and playfully throwing sugar packets at each other and calling each other cute nicknames like 'sweetheart' or 'sweetie-pie'

• garroth and laurence going out camping and garroth hiding inside a tent because there's a baby bear that he's deathly afraid of walking around

• laurence braiding garroth's hair and adding flowers when he's bored

• laurence playfully slam dunking garroth into their pool whenever garroth refuses to go in at parties

• laurence shoving cotton candy in garroth's face at the carnival and then laughing his ass off and garroth's surprised expression

• cuddling on the ferris wheel and whispering sweet nothings to each other

• laurence's nose being one of his insecurities & garroth booping and kissing laurence's nose cause he knows its and insecurity of laurence's

• garroth locking himself in the closet whenever he cries so laurence wont see him as a mess

• laurence sitting and waiting for garroth outside the locked closet because he knows garroth's a mess

• garroth and laurence creating their own game of war where they pounce around the house with nerf guns and try and disqualify the other in under 10 whole minutes

• annual christmas gingerbread house making contest

• garroth and laurence making a fort

• laurence and garroth having sex in that fort cause they can

• laurence doing the break-up prank on garroth

• and then laurence kissing garroth's collar bone whilst apologizing repeatedly after garroth starts crying

• garroth doing the hickey prank on laurence afterwards for payback

• garroth sitting outside in a lawn chair with short ass shorts on while drinking lemonade to distract laurence, who's trying to mow the lawn and clean up the front yard

• laurence getting pissed off at garroth every time garroth feels insecure about his body

• laurence letting garroth cut his hair cause garroth's a pro

• garroth being the expert gay that everyone comes to when they're confused about their sexuality

• laurence taking garroth to the beach to watch turtles crawl out of the sand and run towards the water

• laurence and garroth putting a bunch of polaroid pictures of them and letters they wrote in a capsule and burying it under a big ass tree in their backyard

• laurence calling garroth baby cakes because garroth's his baby and has a nice butt that laurence enjoys

• laurence also calling garroth chipmunk because its so fucking cute jdhdjdjdd

• garroth slapping laurence's butt with a spatula in the middle of cooking for no absolute reason whatsoever

• laurence taking garroth to new york city and walking all over the place with him

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