"oh, sweetheart" + face reveal??

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deleted face reveal
sorry if you didn't make it in time to see my nasty face :)

"YOU BITCH!" Laurence screamed, prancing out of the bathroom with one of the most pissed off looks anyone has ever seen. Travis and Dante would've been scared if Laurence didn't have yellow hair. Travis clutched his stomach and leaned forward as he laughed, whilst Dante leaned backwards and laughed, pointing at Laurence. The what was once a brunette man shot them a scary look, glaring daggers into their souls. Both boys immediately stopped laughing.

"Um.. So... Laurence..." Travis begins after a moment of silence. He tries to hide his smile but is obviously failing horribly. he points towards Laurence's yellow hair and Dante begins to snicker again, but he immediately stops when Laurence's eyes dart over to him, staring right into his eyes.

"Where is that little blonde piece of shit? I have had enough of his ridiculous fucking pranks. Yeah, sure, putting pepper spray on the toilet paper in my bathroom, sneaking wasabi into my fast food without me knowing, and even faking a car accident were funny pranks, but when you mess with my hair, you are crossing the line!" Laurence hisses, stomping around the house, opening every single door to look for his sneaky boyfriend. Dante and Travis scramble outside into the backyard, climbing to the top of the tree house and walking to the back of it, finding Garroth seated in a lawn chair, eating popcorn, and watching some weird dude on youtube.

"Did he flip out yet?" The blonde questions, not looking away from his laptop. His fingers were covered in popcorn dust. Travis snickers lightly and Dante sighs, responding with a simple 'yes'. Garroth pauses his video and looks up at the two boys in front of him. "Is he searching for me?"

"Yeah, and um- he is really angry. Me and Dante have never seen him this angry before and we can literally hear the viciousness dripping off his tone of voice. He really hates you right now," Travis informs the relaxed Ro'meave, who was still munching on his popcorn. Garroth stops all movement after that, his body and face freezing.

"Seriously?" He whispers out and Travis nods rapidly, a grin on his face.

"Like, extremely, angry."

"As angry as you think he'll break up with me angry?"

"Possibly," Dante sighs, punching Travis in the arm and the albino haired chuckles some more. Garroth inhales and exhales, his anxiety starting to kick in for the first time in a while. He drops his popcorn on the side of his chair and places his laptop somewhere safe, standing up hurriedly.

"Has he finished searching the—"

"GARROTH FUCKING RO'MEAVE!" A sudden scream bursts through the backdoor and all three boys on the tree house can hear Laurence stomping closer and closer to them, his rage present in his footsteps. Garroth's anxiety officially kicked in at that point.

"Fuck fuck fuck, I crossed the line this time, why did I do that? Why did I do that? Why did I do tha-oh my god, he's probably going to dump me, I know how much he loves his hair- why did I fucking so that?! Shit shit shit!"

Dante and Travis shift a bit and frown sympathetically, quickly jumping off the tree back of the tree house and into the huge tree next to it like monkeys, landing on branches as soon as they heard Laurence's humongous stomps climbing up the tree house ladder. Garroth's eyes widened, Dante and Travis hated doing stunts, especially jumping from one high place to another, so if they were willing to jump like that when they heard Laurence, that means that said man really was beyond pissed. Garroth digs his face into his hands just as Laurence reaches the back of the tree house, his body visibly shaking. "GARROTH, WHAT THE HELL?!" Laurence shouts, pointing at his hair. Garroth could practically feel the fumes coming off his body, let alone the fury sizzling off his sentence.

"I-I'm sorry baby, I just—"

"Sorry my ass! Look what you fucking did to my fucking hair! You just-you-without even-why?!" Laurence stumbles over words. He was so tired of Garroth's constant pranks but he was trying he hardest to keep his ground and not comfort his beautiful and upset, shaking angel.

"I thought it'd be f-funny! I didn't know you were g-gon-gonna be this angry.." The blonde whimpers out.

Laurence huffs and shakes his head. "I'm so fucking tired of this dumbass prank war shit you've got going on, Garroth." The oldest Ro'meave brother flinched slightly, Laurence never used his full name. When addressing him, he'd always usually use 'Gar', 'baby', 'sunshine', or any other cute romantic pet nickname. The blonde stays quiet, still flinching lightly. He knew Laurence would never ever hit him, but he couldn't help but flinch, its just something he did when he got anxiety attacks. "It was fine when we began dating, I found it so hilarious that you had this prank war with your entire family. But I never asked to be in it! I'm not your blood-family, Garroth, I'm your boyfriend, so stop fucking with me! I don't like it, I'm stressed enough, I just want to relax, but I can't if I always have to be alert of when the next prank you pull on me is gonna be!" Laurence grabs his yellow stained hair, pulling at it angrily and then pointing at it afterwards.

"IM SORRY!" Garroth shrieks, shivering uncontrollably, eyes clouding up with soft tears, his vision turning foggy. Laurence drops his hands to his sides and his whole body relaxes, his expression softening.

He sighs before reaching out and caressing his shaking boyfriend's arm. "oh 𝓈𝓌𝑒𝑒𝓉𝒽𝑒𝒶𝓇𝓉," Laurence frowns and Garroth looks up at him, eyes wide and dreamy filled. The way Laurence called him sweetheart made his heart flutter and he immediately stopped shaking. "No, don't cry, sunshine, you know I love you," He softly mutters, continuing to caress Garroth's arm. The tears in Garroth's eyes released themselves, but Garroth wasn't sobbing at all, he was still staring into Laurence's eyes, completely silent. His heart was fluttering and he swore he could feel butterflies pouncing around in his stomach. "Oh baby no, shit I shouldn't have yelled I- crap, baby stop crying please. Joder por qué gritaste, lo amas, laurence! Ugh- sunshine don't cry," He whispers sweet nothings into Garroth's ear as he pulls him in close with a warm, and what Garroth likes to call, boyfriend hug. Laurence kisses Garroth's temple before looking back at his face again, his frown growing larger. Garroth was crying harder now, but tears of joy, because there was no way. No way in hell that Laurence was that angry, but still comforted Garroth because he loved him. The Zvhal wipes the blonde's tears and bites his lip sympathetically. "Oh my little cuddle bug, baby don't be sad, I shouldn't have screamed at you and told you I was tired of you- I'm not tired of you at all, I love you, fuck, Garbear I—"

Garroth stops Laurence in the middle of his small panic, yet flattering, rant to kiss him gently, standing on his tip-toes and wrapping his arms around his latino boyfriend's neck. He can feel the cheeky grin coming off Laurence's soft lips and he giggles lightly in their romantic smooch. "Hmmm, calm down my superhombre, you have every right to yell at me. I wasn't crying because I was sad, I'm crying because I love you so much," The blonde whispers, using his Spanish nickname for his hubby, which translates to 'my superman', even if Laurence preferred Batman.

"Your lips taste like chocolate."

"Yeah, yeah, kiss me again," Garroth silently mumbles, making a kissy face to tell Laurence to kiss him. "By the way, you can wash it out in the next 3 hours, it's not permanent. And Dante and Travis are hiding in the tree," Garroth quickly says, before kissing his boyfriend again. Laurence rapidly pulls away and turns around, his pissed off face returning again as he climbs into the tree, finding both Travis and Dante, and dragging them back onto the tree house by using one long branch as a bridge. Both the albino and bluenette scream, standing up and racing out of the tree house. Laurence bursts into a roar if laughter before turning to Garroth again and smirking.

"Where were we?"

"You were kissing me," Garroth lovingly sighs, folding his hands behind his back and swaying dreamily.

"Ah, yes, I was kissing you, wasn't I, sweetheart?" Laurence responds, walking back over and resting his hands on Garroth's waist, giving him another humongous kiss on the lips.


but ty for all the sweet comments that made me 100x less insecure in all honesty ❤️

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