"A letter from me to you."

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20 reasons why I, Laurance Zvahl, love you, Garroth Ro'meave.

-your confidence

-your fabulous fucking hair

-your dangerous and dark humor (you have absolutely no chill whatsoever)

-you're always here for me

-i hate being cheesy, but your eyes

-i have a very convincing conspiracy theory that your smile can cure depression

-you're strong (so will you please stop punching my shoulder when i make you laugh? it hurts)

-you've got the voice of an archangel

-when i say that, i mean your actual talking voice^ you can't sing for shit

-your favorite letter is Z because you love your mom so much

-you dress up as your dad every halloween and act stupid to piss him off

-you put zane in a headlock yesterday when he refused to hug you and it was the highlight of my entire week

-you grabbed my ass in front of my whole family and when i slapped your hand away you gave me the goofiest smile ever

-we went to a race downtown and when a guy told another guy that he ran like a girl, you screamed out 'maybe you'd actually be a fast runner if you ran like a girl too'

-your gentle hands ;)

-your personality

-when you were little and your family was struggling with money, you'd tell your little brothers you weren't hungry so they could eat as much as they needed and then after they went to their rooms you'd try to find some leftovers in the trash for you to eat because you were starving (credit to your mom for telling me that story, you're amazing)

-you're a gentleman

-did i say your personality?

-you asked me out by saying 'laurance you're my boyfriend now'

-because you're you

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