"wisdom teeth removal"

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o dear

"Garroth Ro'meave?" The nurse calls out, her clipboard and pink pen in her hand. Garroth stops tapping his foot nervously on the ground and darts his eyes over to her, standing up and smiling politely. She smiled politely in return, her lip gloss showing off the peachy color of her actual lips nicely. Her blonde hair was in a bun, green eyes reflecting off the lights that came from the chandeliers of the ceiling. He walks over to her quickly, clasping his hands together and playing with the diamond covered wedding ring on his right ring finger timidly. "Your fiancé, Laurence Zvhal's wisdom teeth removal is finished. We've put a few gauzes in his mouth and the dentist has assigned him his medication. Everything went well and we successfully took out the teeth with no problems or struggles at all. Would you like to see him now?" She nods towards the hallway in question. Garroth huffs out a breath of relief while nodding his head 'yes'. They begin walking down the insanely long hallway, Garroth dragging his fingers over the baby blue colored walls absentmindedly.

"Is he loopy right now? Like people usually are after wisdom teeth removal?" Garroth asks the nurse with a hopeful smile. He'd love to see his fiancé all silly and goofy for once. All he ever saw coming from Laurence lately was stress, since his fiancé's family were having some issues.

"Yes, he is very loopy right now. He's on a medication. Now there's something I need to explain to you," She begins as her hands tap the clipboard, eyes reading off the paper clipped to it. The soon-to-be Zvhal nods for her to continue, "There are three moods that somebody may have when they get finished with this teeth surgery. The happy mood, the sad mood, or the tired mood. If he's in a happy mood, he'll be very playful and goofy, often saying inappropriate things to make someone laugh. If he's in a sad mood, he'll probably list out negative things about himself and cry a lot, maybe even tell you things he thinks about that he's never told you before, and if he's in a tired mood he'll barely talk and fall asleep a lot, maybe skip some meals and just sleep through them, the same thing normal people do when they're exhausted. I don't know which mood your fiancé has, I haven't been in the room with him since the surgery finished. Just giving you a warning now, don't be loud when you see him, alright?"

"Okay, thank you," Garroth bubbles out, entering the room that the nurse led him up to. When he entered he had to restrain himself from laughing, seeing as how his fiancé was sitting with a hand on his hip, pointing at a nurse who was giggling a lot, mocking her obnoxiously.

"Laurence Zvhal!" She squeaks, obviously blushing. Her hand was rubbing up and down Laurence's arm flirtatiously, which kind of made Garroth boil a little bit with anger. Now, he didn't mind showing off Laurence, he knew that his fiancé was absolutely sexy and gorgeous, but he stuck with one rule, and one rule only: you can look, but you can't touch.

"Are you flirting with me?" He blurts, with an idiotic smile. Garroth stayed by the door, crossing his arms angrily and watching the scene unfold.

"Well do you want me to be?" She sings lowly, leaning close and running her hands through Laurence's cocoa brown hair. His smile grows larger, and he grabs her hand in his, bringing it down from his hair to his chest level.

"Well," he starts, smirking a little bit before tossing her hand away from him, "I'd sure hope not. I only roll with cute blonde dudes like my fiancé. And on top of that, your breath kinda stinks," He goofily cheers, making the nurse's flirtatious expression turn into one of disgust and anger. Garroth drops his arms and bursts out into laughter, surprising both the nurse, and his fiancé. "Garroth!" He squeals, eyes crazy, lips dry and chapped like hell. The inside of his lips were covered in blood, too, but that's beside the point. You could definitely tell he was intoxicated with medicine by the way he was acting.

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