"A Soft Aqua." Pt. 2

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read the first part of this one shot if you haven't already!! this has a lot of people in it, if you commented under the post i made, your in this one shot :))

One year later and now Garroth and Laurence were officially dating. They were a new couple and everyone knew, they just knew, that they were gonna stay together. Even the girls that had crushes on Garroth or Laurence knew it, and even though they didn't like it—(which fucking sucks for them)—they let the cute couple be a cute couple. There was absolutely no homophobia in their college, and if there was, the staff took care of it. The staff weren't exactly your normal 'ugh this stupid bitch' kind of staff. They were the best staff anyone could ever ask for in their school/college. Garroth, Laurence, and the rest of their friends called them by their first names, since the employees told them to. The employees seemed to really like all of them.

We had Hope, who was one of the math professors in the building, she was quite sassy and fierce, but she was also really nice and kind.

Then there was Kennedie, one of the language arts professors, also one of the few adults that understood the meaning of depression. She might've had depression but everyone loved her because of how she was strong and tough enough to fight it.

There was also Lolly, the extremely shy yet sweet nurse. She was constantly checking up on kids that she noticed weren't feeling good, and she had no hesitation to pick up the phone when a student asked to go home. She just wanted the best for the sick students and thats why everyone loved her.

We also had Madison, but everyone called her Maddie. She was crazy and hilarious, and also one of the few professors that cursed in class and when working. She was the school's art professor and kids found it awesome that she had assigned her most talented student to draw Garroth and Laurence.

Hold on, cause I'm not finished.

Maxine, the protective and bold football team coach. She would never hesitate to make you drop and do 60 push-ups if you pissed her off, but she was always immediately by your side if you got injured and hurt.

There was also the loud and emotional teacher that the students seemed to love, Emma. She was one of the Guidance Counselors, along with Kayla and Gen. Emma was the loud guidance counselor, who was never afraid to speak her mind but if one of her students got emotional, hell, she jumped right into the river of tears with them. The other two guidance counselors, Kayla and Gen were slightly different from Emma. But they were all good friends. Kayla was extremely gay, she practically never casted a look towards the opposite gender. She really only looked at Garroth and Laurence, since they were the adorable gay couple of the whole campus. Gen was the soft and awkward counselor, who always wants to hear both sides of the story when it comes to a problem between two students. She was so awkward sometimes, it made her such a lovable person.

The most loved science professor's name was Lauren. She was extremely fucking clumsy, considering the fact that she hit herself with a tennis racket by accident when visiting the gymnasium to talk to Maxine. But she was a really fun person to be around.

Hannah, the really hyper front office employee. She was the girl that everyone came to when they wanted to talk about stupid shit. She was the most relatable woman in the office. She was really hardworking though and she always had break since her job was to literally sit at a desk, which was nice for her.

And last but not least, Khalia. She was probably one of the most funniest employees of them all. She was also the football coach. She worked with Maxine daily, and they were known to be very good and close friends. Khalia always brought up shit to make students laugh when she wasn't supposed to, which she always apologized for, but never meant any of it. Bottom line was that she was just a nice person to be around when you were down and wanted to laugh.

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