"A Soft Aqua."

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"Fuck you," Laurence spits, looking at the man who he has pinned against a college dorm door with rage. He had venom in his voice and his usual icy blue eyes were now shadowed over with a dull, gray color, one that made him look stone-cold. It was frightening, knowing the reason Laurence had this guy pinned against the random dorm door.

"Who the fuck do you think you're talk to?" The blonde man hisses back, his wrists unfolding from Laurence's hands quickly, and his knee slamming into Laurence's left ribcage. That caused Laurence to shove himself away to take in the pain for a bit, grunting as he clutched his plain green t-shirt, right where the blonde guy had kneed him. He took steady breaths, trying his best not to just tackle the guy and beat the life out of him, but he still had a gut-feeling that this would end badly. He stood up straight and walked back over to the guy, his eyes turning even colder if it was possible. But the blonde boy's eyes stayed a soft aqua color.

Why did they stay a soft aqua?

"I'm talking to you, and I'm talking to you to your face, which is something you obviously don't do," Laurence had anger built up in his heart, which seemed to shoot out into his vocal chords and let out a dangerous tone in his voice.

"Dude, what's your problem?!" The guy groans, leaning over to pick up his books from the floor. Laurence bent down swiftly and snatched both of his wrists, pulling him up and slamming him back on the ground, on the other side; away from his books. The boy groaned in pain and grabbed onto his elbow. Looks like Laurence damaged his elbow when he sent him to the ground.

"My problem is you. I heard what you did to my sister, and I'm not gonna tolerate that shit. That's my fucking sister. How dare you even speak her name or step towards her, you ass—"

"I don't even know who your sister is, you fucking idio—" That earned the blonde a kick the the stomach. The blonde cried out and gagged a bit, grabbing onto Laurence's leg. "Listen, man, I didn't talk about anyone, I—"

"Bullshit!" Laurence shouts, fury radiating off of his tense body as his hands reached down and picked the boy up. He slammed the boy against the wall and screamed in his face, "Why Cadenza?! Why would you do that to her?! She is such a good girl, and as much as it pains me to say this, she's both smarter and better than me at everything, and a girl like her doesn't deserve what you did to her!"


One punch to the face.

"Stop fucking with me! We both know what I'm talking about, so stop being a little bitch and let's get this shit over with!" Laurence screams as his hands tighten around the blonde's shoulders.

"Please listen to me, I have no idea what you're ta—"

Two punches to the face by Laurence.

"Just come clean and admit what you fucking did! She told me everything!"

"Dude please listen to me, I don't wanna hurt you! You've got the wrong per—" The blonde keeps trying to talk but only gets cut off by the furious brunette that has his pinned to the wall.

"You? Hurt me? You think you- wait hold on- you ser-seriously think that you can do some damage?" Laurence mutters lowly, his face dangerously close to the shorter boy's.

Laurence had to pretend he didn't see the boy's soft aqua eyes shoot downwards to look at his lips.

"Don't underestimate me, man. Please, I just don't want a fight to break out here," The short man whispers, his eyes slowly looking back up from Laurence's lips to Laurence's eyes, which still looked extremely empty and cold.

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