The Bonus Chapter no one Wanted :3

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Because I wanted to write sin but I thought it would be weird for Nightmare to wreck a half zombie--


So if you didn't get my waning already-–


❤️💜10K MMMMMM💜❤️

Nightmare hummed, walking through the corridors of the mansion.

It had now been a whole year since the apocalypse started, and a few months since him and Cross came back to the mansion.

Once Cross had got better in that hospital, they made the long journey back to the mansion.

Of course at first there had been an uproar from Killer, Error, Horror and Dust. They hadn't obviously expected them to ever come back, especially Cross.

It took a lot of questioning and days of unsureness, including them forcing Cross to sleep in the basement for three days and nights to prove he was completely cured and wouldn't attack anyone suddenly before they finally accepted him back in the mansion.

They all soon grew quite fond of him, and soon enough even Dust was taking him normally, apologising for all the times he'd tried to kill him.

Cross, being the innocent little cinnamon roll that he is, forgave all of them, saying he would have been the same if it was one of them that had been bitten.

The others constantly teased Cross and Nightmare about their relationship, but they ignored them, saying that they were just jealous.

But speaking of the others, they weren't here at the moment. Dust had gone out hunting in the forest while Killer, Horror and Error went searching in a nearby city for supplies seeing as our food was running slightly low.

So Cross and Nightmare had the whole mansion to themselves.

Nightmare smirked, walking up the stairs and down the corridor to what used to be his room, but is now their shared room.

Knocking softly, he hummed, pushing open the door and walking in. As soon as he did that however, he stopped, blinking.

Cross was sat on their bed, his back to him. But he only had a towel wrapped around his small frame. He must have just gotten out of the shower or something.

Nightmare froze, feeling his face heat up rapidly, his eye subconsciously scanning over every inch of the smol's body. "Cross?"

He squeaked, whipping around and clutching the towel to his chest, his face immediately flushing deeply as well. "N-Nighty?! Wh-What are you doing her?!"

Nightmare blinked rapidly, trying to shove the dirty thoughts out of his mind. "Well, this is our room."

"You should have knocked!"

"I did."

Cross looked up at him, blushing darker as he started walking over. "W-Well-- You need to get out while I ch-change!"

"Aww~ Why would I want to do that~?" He purred, stopping in front of him by the bed. "After all, I'm sure you're even cuter without any clothes on~"

He let out a flustered squeak, freezing up momentarily. "Wh-What?!"

"You heard me~" Nightmare whispered, sitting down on the bed before pulling him onto his lap.

He yelped, squirming weakly in his grip as he held him close, smirking. "N-Nighty what are you doing?!"

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