Chapter 3

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Beam woke up too early. With heavy stepped the teacher took a shower with eyed half opened.
Eating one piece of toast Beam flew out the door on a jiffy.

Today is not a regular day, the students ad their parents made a welcoming banners for the people that will be arriving.
The school was cleaned and the weeds was pulled.
Everyone are excited, the teachers, the parents and the students.
And of course Beam is more than excited.

Usually the parents cannot send their children to the highschool next town because there is no means of transportation or even there is, they can't afford the expenses and that's devastatingly sad. This is more than a blessing for them and Beam is thankful whoever that person is.

Forth was in one of the bank he owns. The employees scurries upon while their boss checked their accounts. This business is legit but this banks also do the hocus focus on Phantom Shadow's shady transactions and the group's money.

Kit is quietly reading the statements his boss needed for the next project he wanted to pursue.

"In two days, prepare the money I asked, by the way fix your ledger its a mess." Forth told the manager who bow his head all the way down to his knees. Obviously, he is scared of the man.

Forth's entourage left the bank without glancing at the people present. The strong arrived of the businessman and his people made the others cowered in fear.

Forth and Kit both on the same car with one car in front of them and another at the back, caging the boss.

"What did Mingkwan said about the shipment." Forth asked while lazily gazing outside.

"They got there in time, there are some people of Red lion near the place but they back off when Ming arrived." Kit explained. Forth nodded his head like he only hearing some trivial things.

"Red Lion's are moving a lot lately, what do you think?." Kit asked his nonchalant boss.

"Ran is not too stupid to challenge me head on, but there's something more to it than they lead on." Forth crossed his arms over his chest, Lines appeared between his eyes indicating he is thinking. "Tell our asset inside I want answers."

Kit nodded his head typing on his phone faster than a normal person. "About this project, why that place it is almost unaccessible and hidden."

"That's the thing it is hidden, I want the land near the river and those people's ignorance can be a good thing."

"But you are building school." Kit raised a questioning brow. Forth's thin lips quirked up like he is thinking something amusing. He answered Kit a shrugged.

The group arrived at the small village at almost noon. The enthusiastic kids with their parents yelled in excitement.
The men wearing suits riding on expensive cars are more than they imagine for.

Beam imagine the benefactor to be on their mid fifties, or older but there's no one in the group that fit the picture he draw on his mind.
The group of men who are all wearing suits looked more like those Hollywood movies where this type of men are there for drug dealing.

Beam shook his head on his ridiculous thought. The guy in the middle seems to be the leader of the group. He is not as big and burly as the others but he is lean and Beam cannot shake the feeling that this person is dangerous.

"Parents, teachers and children, this is Forth Jamornhum and his stuff." The principal introduce the leader who waii at everyone with small smile. But for Beam it looked more like a grimaced than a smile.

Plastering a forced smile, Beam proceed to shaking hands with the visitor following his co teachers.
The smallest of the group taken Beam aback. He is cute with two deep dimples adorning both his cheeks.

Beam flushed when the cute guy frowned at him as he still holding his hand.

"I'm sorry." Beam hurriedly let go and took the hand of the next person. He was taken aback when the cold larger hands with the visible callous connected with his own. He glanced back and his eyes met with two dark pools that are staring at him like he is an insect under his feet.
The man that seems to be the boss looked dignified and handsome, Beam have to admit that. But there is something about the man that give chills to his spine.

Beam don't meant to be rude because they needed this people so slowly pull back his hand and nod his head to the man before moving on to the next person.

The children are happily playing around the noise as the kids run about and the laughter that fill the sorroundings is a consolations Beam think he needed. They will have that laughter more once this project will pushed through.

The principal asked the visitors to her office for the further discussions but only Forth Jamornhum and the cute guy entered. The other six men stayed outside like a lookout, like a body guard. Aha! That's the word Beam trying to described them. Its like a very important man with his assistant and security. Beam observed the men that was left outside who have their vigilant eyes all around.

Beam discreetly watched Forth Jamornhum, there's no doubt he is an every inch of a businessman, from the crisp suit dignified matter and the way he talked and he is no doubt a very good looking man.

But, the dangerous aura that seems like pouring out of him making the people who he just met to looked up or avoid him.

Beam knows one thing. Forth Jamornhum is not an ordinary businessman.

"Here's the floor plan for the project Mr. Jamornhum is planning for your community, if you have questions please feel free to do so." Kit passed bunch of papers on each individual in the room. The principal and Beam's co- teachers gasped at the detail of the project. Its not ordinary building, it is the kind of school that you will see in the city with all the complete amenities.

"But sir, the electricity on this place are unstable that we are afraid some of the facilities won't work." The principal explained. She never thought this day will come where someone with golden heart will offer a hand.

"We will handle that, we will hire added teachers for you to accommodate more students even from the closer towns." Kit continued. Forth is just quietly sitting there, letting his consegliere to handle the trivial talk.

But is silently observing the boss. You can't read anything on his face as he listen on the conversation. Beam really wanted to know why someone like them would took interest on a far and quiet place like this.

While Beam watching Forth, Forth suddenly looked at Beam, directly to the eyes. No he didn't frown or glare, he just looked at Beam like telling him he knows that he was staring.

"We can't thank you enough, on behalf of our students and their parents, we can only say thank you." The misty eyes principal together with the other four teachers, they looked at the two like they are some God.

"Its my pleasure." Forth talked for the first time. The baritone voice send the authority it has to them. He can command a room with just him talking.

The team didn't stayed for long. They survey the place and said that an engineering team will be coming to make arrangements and explaine the temporary classrooms the children will be using.

Beam watched the expensive cars leave as fast as they arrived leaving dust on their trails.

"The male teacher is observing us." Kit said while watching the said teacher looking at the leaving cars.

"I know." Forth replied. He wouldn't want any complications on his plans and one person will not be a problem.

"Will that be okay?." Kit glance at the boss who leaned back the car's headrest.

"If not, we can always improvise." Forth looked back at those big round eyes that was watching him silently. Like he was trying to decipher his puzzle.

A smirked appeared on Forth's lips as if something amusing is playing on his mind.

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