Chapter 7

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The next day Beam and Wayo was having breakfast because Wayo have a morning class while Beam have to go back in the afternoon.

"Why suddenly you came here voluntarily?." Wayo asked his older brother.

"Its about the new school buildings a philanthropist offered on our school." Beam replied without much enthusiasm.

"That's a good news, somebody took interest on that school in the end of Thailand." Wayo joked that earned a glare from his brother.

"Stop exaggerating."

"I'm not exaggerating, last night you arrived here dragging yourself inside and looking like someone who did some penitentiary, like walking ten kilometers by foot."

"I just hated traveling you know that and besides there's another reason why I was drained yesterday." Beam pursed his lips annoyed as he remembered what happened yesterday.

"Why, what happened?." Wayo asked curiously.

"The bastard Forth Jamornhum dragged me all the way to don't know where place after accusing me of making him wait! The nerve, not because we need something from him ..not gave him the right to do that to me! I did not even meant to be late! We didn't asked for his help! Ugh..just remembering it my blood is boiling." Beam paused when he saw Wayo laughing at his expense. "Its not funny."

"For you its not funny P' but for me its funny as hell." Wayo raised his hand on defense when Beam proceed on knocking his head. "Wait P', Forth Jamornhum you say?! You met him?" Wayo's eyes grew big on excitement after catching the name his brother uttered.

"Yes that bastard."

Beam was startled when his brother pounced on him shaking him till he is dizzy.

"What is wrong with you!" Beam pushed his little brother away, holding his head.

"P' that's Forth Jamornhum! He don't just meet people, you can't even see him even if you go to the headquarters of his company, he don't like interviews or whatnot..and you met him! So what he looked like in person? How does rich people smell?.. Damn if I'm that young and rich I would be getting all I want." Wayo's eyes light up in excitement while imagining the life he wanted.

Beam just continued eating ignoring his hyper little brother.


"What's wrong with you? He is human like He looked normal to me, like you.. he has two eyes, one nose and two ears..what do you expect on him? Have three eyes a tail and wings? And why the heck I'll be sniffing him out..what am I, a dog?! I don't even want to see that guy again" Beam exclaimed in annoyance.

"Will you please calm down P! I'm not asking you to marry him..I just asked what he is like in person, you are so dramatic." Wayo rolled his eyes at his brother's exaggerated reaction. "He is included on top ten richest of Thailand and he is young too isn't that amazing? While you are just younger by few years you still don't have a car." Wayo move out the way when Beam throw a banana his way.

"Maybe he was born rich, unless he is doing illegal stuff..I don't doubt that one though."

"You are so judgmental, you have a point on born rich and he is so lucky his mother was a former Miss Thailand and third runner up on miss World all over the world, his life is too damn perfect mine looked like a dirt compared to him." Wayo sighed dreamily.

"Rich people have bigger problems than us poor ones, stop envying him just because he is rich for all you know he is bipolar or have std."  Beam said negatively.

"P'! Since when you became assuming on people? What did he do to you?"

"I just hate his face, its annoying."

Dangerous StepsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora