Chapter 11

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How can life flipped so much for Beam. Like suddenly he found himself in a situation that seems like sucking him continuously.
Where is that quiet life in the countryside. Where is that moment where he enjoys the soft singing of the birds.

Beam is currently at Wayo's apartment. His little brother is still in the university while the older brother is furiously brushing his teeth and wiping his mouth. He can still feel it. The feeling of a soft and warm flesh pressed against his lips.


Wayo who is currently entering the door run fast inside to check the sudden shout. And he is shocked as he saw his older brother looking mad. Eyes are narrowed, madly red lips are pursed tightly while the teacher's hand is currently wiping his mouth repeatedly. What the heck ?

"What the heck is wrong with you? And how come you suddenly love coming here in the city." Wayo is worried by sudden visits of His brother and why he is acting like he just got home from a fight housewives of Thailand style.

Beam ignored his brother as he left the bathroom and go straight to the kitchen, open the fridge and pull out a bunch of bananas then start eating them fast.

"P'Beam! What the heck man, are you gonna ignore me like I'm a ghost or what?." Yo is getting frustrated by his brother's temper tantrum without him knowing what is or who is the cause.

"Did somebody stole your first kiss?" Beam joking asked but Beam took it offensively as he throw a banana to Wayo who notice it late when the poor fruit landed on the equally poor brother's head.
Beam just huff after the assault without any remorse as he continue eating.

"What is wrong with you!" Wayo exclaimed at his brother who's being even more weird. "So somebody really stole your first kiss?!?"

Beam's eyes widened and he is about to throw the last piece of banana into Yo when the little brother quickly snatch it away.

"Don't talk to me." Beam turn to leave and sat down on the sofa while turning the TV on.

Wayo followed his sulking brother and he taunt him even more. "I told you before P' you need to date or you'll end up like a grumpy old man with wrinkly skin and pickled pickles." Yo wiggled his eyebrows at Beam who didn't appreciate the action.

"I said don't talk to me!."

Wayo is about to refute it when the news anchor shown a live video of Forth Jamornhum leaving his building.

Beam is busy glaring on the television and his hands are itching to slap that pretentious face trough the screen. The way Forth face the media with smile and proud voice is like taunting Beam to no end.

"The difference between the rich and the poor is blinding me." Wayo commented. He turn to his brother and taken aback by the killing intent aura Beam is producing.
"You are worrying me bro, are you on drugs?."

Wayo received a hit on the back of his head from his grumpy brother.
"What nonsense are saying huh?."

"You can't blame me! You are acting too strange and you didn't answer any of my questions and now you are looking at Forth Jamornhum as if you wanted to roast him." Wayo commented seriously.

"Its nothing." Beam replied avoiding Yo's eyes.

"Are you sure?."

"I already said its nothing!." Beam walk out and entered the room he will be occupying.

"This is what they call early sign of aging!." Wayo yell at the close door.

"Shut up!."

Wayo laugh before his eyes goes back to the screen, enough to catch Forth and a shorter guy and Forth's younger brother Mingkwan entering a black van with their security. Yo is amaze by the luxury but he is contented as long as he have his brother. Even though the thought that Forth Jamornhum have something to do with Beam's pissy mood he can't do anything about it when Beam refuse to talk. Yo sigh, his introverted brother seems have something exciting coming into his life, he hope that it's for the better.

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