Chapter 8

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The construction for the new school buildings started faster that Beam think. A huge construction company is the one handling the project.

For the time being, a trailer trucks and temporary teachers was sent for the school.
Everyone are jumping in glee and the teachers are more than glad for the blessing they are receiving.

While Beam is just glad the bastard Forth Jamornhum never appeared at the site.
But the ongoing project made a noise for the media to visit the small village from the remote area.

The people are proudly answering questions about the place making the quiet town became the talked around the nearing area.

Beam is having a headache. He was avoiding any new people that wanted to asked questions. He usually hides inside the temporary classroom or just stay out of the way.
Beam treasured the silence before, the quiet life of living in the country area.

But maybe together with the change, people needed to adjust with their soroundings.

Beam is holding on his classes test papers with his sling bag across his body. He gaze up at the fast pace building that's going on, amaze by the efficiency and fast job the workers are doing. He still can't imagine the amount of money this project needed to be done.

He was done for the day, it's five PM already but maybe there's a target deadline for the building to be done because almost 24 hours the construction are going on.

The workers that Beam met on the way back to his cabin waii at him with a smile making Beam waii back shyly. Ahh how can he forgot he is not good at handling new people.

He walked quietly while reading one of the papers of his student.
But then a loud car horn suddenly blared loudly making beam throw the bundle of test papers he needed to check at home. He helplessly watched everything fly like leaflets on every direction.
Beam snapped his head to the side when he heard a snickering from the bastard who blared their horn without mercy at Beam.

Beam's eyes sharpen when he saw the last person he wanted to see. Forth Jamornhum is leaning on the rolled down window of his car while smirking at Beam amusingly.

"What is wrong with you?! Are you crazy?! ." Beam yelled angrily. He turned to picked up the scattered papers one by one ignoring Forth's presence altogether as he seeth with himself.

Ignore Him Beam, he don't worth it, you can't lose your cool,..calm down for the school, for the children. Beam psych himself while repeatedly breathing in and out.

After making sure he got everything, he continued to walk home without throwing a looked on Forth who he still in place.

"Hey!" Forth called the retreating teacher  who didn't looked back.

That didn't sit well on Forth. How many times this nobody will ignore him and make him looked stupid in front of his men.

Forth left the comfort of his car signaling his entourage to stay .
Using his long legs, Forth easily keep up with Beam.
Forth's hand shot forward and grabbed a hold of Beam's shoulder.

Beam stiffened when he felt Forth's presence. He stepped back to avoid his hold but on his annoyance, it didn't budge.

"Let go!" Beam tried moving away but Forth hold him in place.

"Say  Mr Vongviphan, why every single time we met you manage to pressed every wrong buttons on me." Forth leaned down closer to Beam beside his left ear. A involuntary shiver racked Beam's body when Forth's breath hit his ear." That's not good"

"Are you a lunatic or what?" Beam struggles. Forth let go before crossing his arms over his toned chest that was covered by expensive shirt. His tongue is tracing his upper teeth. He is amused. This is an achievement. Someone manage to break into Forth's cold demeanor. He watched the teacher walked away fast not even throwing another looked on Forth.

Interesting indeed..

Forth's cold face crawl back into his face.

He inspect the construction talking to the engineer's to do a better job.

He didn't stayed longer  site, Forth needed on Bangkok for the annual board meeting his company held. Usually he let Mingkwan handle this kind of trivial things but Ming is currently on the job leaving him to face the annoying old farts.

Changing to a suit he arrived on his office building a bit late. He don't care, he owned the company its not his job to accommodate his subordinates.

Kit was waiting on the lobby the moment he stepped in the building.
Kit hand over Forth the documents he needed for today's meetings.

"Have you informed the managers to be here?." Forth skimmed read on the papers while walking to the elevator.

"Yes." Kit replied now tapping on his phone.

"How's Mingkwan doing?." Forth remembered to asked.

"What do you expect on that idiot..he said he is having fun." Kit sighed.

Forth shook his head how he can have Ming as a brother when he is annoying as fuck.

The two arrived at the conference room in no time.
The chatters died down when Forth sat down on the head of  the table.

"Good afternoon ladies and gentleman." Forth started.

"Let's begin." Forth never like this kind of meetingmeetings, he hated this people for what they all do are whines nonstop.

"Mr. Dalay, you said there is something you wanted to discuss about the new branch on Chiang Mai?" Kit called the youngest among the people in the room. June Dalay succeeded  his father's position when his father died of heart attack, its a pity because Forth like the old man. While his son is ambitious and too curious.

"Yes sir, I'm saying is that branch of our bank is not on the right position, it is located on a rural area where the community is not modernized yet, isn't it a wrong moved?." June is only older by three years than Forth and sometimes Forth think if he ever will grow on this world where sharks are all over the place.

"What you guys think?." Forth asked the room instead. The older people knows how Forth handle business because they are working with his father before he retires. And same as his Old man, Forth don't really care about others opinion about his decision. And besides, Forth always proves that he is right.
Some nods their heads in agreement with June while the rest just avoid Forth's gaze.

"Mr Dalay, when it comes to business I don't play..when it comes to money I hate loosing.. So if you are questioning my decision here right now, don't you think you have to explain to me I stead why that branches you are handling at the moment only giving me 30% of the 50% I'm expecting of its profit?." Forth dropped. The man suddenly looked away avoiding Forth's eyes.

"That..that you see the people on that places are having difficulty at the moment and I'm afraid that's the reason."

"I am nice to those who do their jobs properly Mr Dalay, and I those people who thinks they can play me will learned the hard way why I'm successful on my thing....I want the missing 40% ASAP." Forth ended not bothering to pay more attention on the man who is now sweating bullets.


The following reports and questions are just trivial so Forth dismissed everyone immediately.

"Kit, checked on Dalay's activities this past months, forward me the results."

"On it.'

Forth with his men proceeded to his club to meet up someone. He wanted to know the stir up on the underworld.
This may cause a problem if not solved early.

The boss walked in on one of his territory with firm and confident steps. Every stride are full of power making girls weak on their knees while guys watched in fear and envy.

Forth Jamornhum is a picture of dangerously handsome specimen of a man.

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