Chp. 10: Control

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I stood next to the book, thinking over the visions and what the Elder said. Sight? Intelligence? Understanding? That's what this had been this entire time. I looked over at everyone else as they were planning some protection measures.

"Hard to swallow?" The Elder came up. I nodded and looked back to the book. "It's sometimes hard to accept something you've known all your life when a name is finally given to it."

"Yes, it is." I replayed the vision again. "What was it that he stole?"

"It was one of the few KISSteria Krystals that wasn't transferred into the Rock. Except it was combined with another device that can make living creatures out of energy and light." I looked at her quick.

"Living creatures?" She nodded. "Then he must have it. Thorn and I were chased by a demon bear he sent after us. He must have hidden it on Earth."

"Hmm. Did you see anything like the Krystal when he took you?" I shook my head. "Maybe you could find out. See into the past again."

"How? I don't know how to control it!"

"You have to concentrate. Keep calm. It's easier than you realize." She set a hand on my shoulder. "You'll find a way that best fits you." She walked away.

"I need to keep calm." I made my way across the room. I stood in front of a wall of windows. I noticed the court yard nearby and the terrace just below.

"Avery, you never said what you saw." Ace stood next to me.

"I saw him being banished. I saw the Elder create the portal and you guys blasting him out."

"He had done so much that stealing the Creature Krystal was the last straw." I nodded and turned toward him.

"I need to see more." I whispered. He reached out and pulled me close. I set my hands on his chest and he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Just close your eyes and breathe." I did as he said. It still was not working. "Hmm. Maybe this will help." I opened my eyes to see Ace holding my necklace. "I forgot I had this." He placed it around my neck. I smiled until something came to mind.

"Ace, Gabriel said he was in KISSteria when we came to help with the witch. That's how he knew about me." He remained calm even though I knew it bothered him. "Thank you for telling me. But back to you. Concentrate on seeing."

"I don't know if I can do it."

"Maybe I can help." Starchild was walking over. "We may not see the same but our gifts run within the same power."

"Anything will help at this point I think." I replied. He nodded and I pulled away from Ace.

"The Elder was right when she said you need to concentrate but you also need to let you mind do its thing. It knows how to use your gift but you do have to help. Think back to previous times when you have visions. Is there anything that you are doing that happens in every circumstance?"

"Well..." I thought back to times when I've had visions. One thing did stand out. "I am always touching something. Something that has to do with the situation. Or something like the book, a record of past events."

"Good. Once you power grows stronger, you should be able to see without that but for now..." He trailed off thinking. "When do you need to see back to?"

"When he had me hostage. To see if I can see anything that looks like the Krystal." I looked at Ace. "But I don't think we have anything, other than myself, from my time there. Since Chikara's book is still on Earth."

"That is a problem. Well..." Ace was interrupted by a flash of light. Suddenly, a bag dropped in front of the three of us. "Okay..."

"It's the bag I used to carry Chikara's book out of the warehouse." I picked it up.

"This happened before?" Star asked. I nodded slowly.

"Only once though. At the warehouse. Gabriel had thrown and locked me in a room when you guys showed up. Before Cat found me, Chikara's book showed up in a flash of light just like this." I lifted the bag in reference. "But I don't see what this bag could give."

"Is there anything in it?" Ace took the bag and looked through it. He stopped and pulled something out slowly. It was an amulet. "It's his mark amulet." Ace said and looked at Star.

"That could very well work for almost anything having to do with Gabriel." Star said. They looked at me. Ace held out the amulet. I took a breath and slowly reached out for it. I paused right before grabbing it and looked at Ace.

"You can do it." He said in reassurance. I took another breath and grabbed the amulet. It took a few seconds but a vision did start.


Gabriel had his back to the door as he looked at Avery. He slowly picked up a paper he made it seem he came to retrieve and walked back out the door. He lent against the wall as he waited. He had noticed his knife was gone because that was what he was coming to get.

"She thought she could just take my knife without me noticing. Ha, it's taking her a bit to use it." He laid his head back and reached into his pocket. He pulled out a small trinket. It was the krystal but it had metal and colored band surrounded it. It made it look like a gyroscope. His hand lite up and the device started to levitate and twist into the air. A shape of a bear started to come from it when he heard Avery's voice.

"It's Chikara's book." He smirked and pulled himself away from the wall. With one last look at the device he put it back into his pocket and walked into the room.

*End Vision*

I gasped only slightly as I came out of the vision this time. I notice the rest had come over and stood in front of me. My balance swayed and Ace quickly came over and held me. Starchild took the amulet from me and stepped back.

"What did you see?" Thorn asked softly. I looked down and rubbed my forehead slightly as I thought back.

"I saw the device. He has it on him."

"You know for a fact that it was the device?" Demon asked. I nodded.

"He created a small shape of a bear. The same that chased us." I said.

"What did it look like?" I gave Cat a confused look.

"You guys don't know?" They all shook their heads.

"It never was or needed to be used. So it never left the vault. Only few knew what it looked like, Avery." Starchild explained.

"Oh. Um, it kind of looked like a, oh what's the word...OH! A gyroscope but when he activated it, the bands around it expanded. Other than that it looked and worked like a gyroscope." I said.

"That is the Creature Krystal." The Elder said. We all turned to her. She was standing with her back to us. "And he knows how to use it. Quite well."

"How do you know that?" Ace asked.

"Because of the lion that just run from the outlands that is completely made of light and shadow." She pointed at the window. We all turned and saw the lion. It looked similar to the bear.

"Oh great." Demon said as the rest of us just watched in shock.


A mark amulet is a necklace that a KISSterian wears when they are not in their full form. Or not all dressed up in makeup and costume. It can be any size or shape of charm. They represent the KISSterians Persona in some way. I made this up. Hope you like it! I do not own any of the picture and/or gifs, credit to owners. ~ Nights Legacy

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