When We Were Younger

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Hey, I decided to upload the first few chapters of my ymas fanfic and see what you guys thought. If it's any good, I'll keep writing. If it's not then I won't. yeah...awkward.

Anyway before I start this I just had to say I know that the guys aren't all the same age and that they didn't all go to the same school and that Dan wasn't the original drummer and blah blah blah but this is a fictional story, so the details don't have to be 100% accurate. I needed it to be this way for my story to work. I also need to put this in-

DISCLAIMER: My application to own You Me At Six was denied, so sadly I don't own those five beautiful men. Let's be honest, if I did, I wouldn't be writing a fanfic. We would be doing something very different together... okay, that is all. Adios amigos :)



Of all the places my mother had to move to, she had to pick Surrey. She wanted a fresh start. She could have had a fresh start in New York, or Los Angeles, or Paris, or Rome. But no, she picked bloody Surrey.

Boring didn't even begin to describe this place. I was actually looking forward to going to school tomorrow, just so I could meet some people my own age.

I flopped down onto my new bed face first. Unpacking boxes all day is more tiring than it sounds. I rolled over onto my side and looked at my newly-decorated pinboard. Just over half of it was covered with pictures from my life back in Scotland. My dad, my aunt, my friends, my sister.

My sister.

Leaving Sophie was the worst part about moving to Surrey. I stared at a picture of her. She was like my doppleganger, just four years younger than me. We had the same chocolate brown hair that always fell in soft waves, the same piercing blue eyes, the same wicked sense of humour. She even shared my taste in music. She was more like my best friend.

I sighed. I missed her already and it had only been twelve hours. I didn't know when I would see her again. My mum and Sophie didn't exactly part on the best of terms.

After her divorce from my dad, my mum decided the best way to get a fresh start would be to leave Scotland forever. She asked her work to transfer her to a different office, packed up her bags and left.

Moving with her seemed like the best option for me. My life in Scotland was awful. I hated my school, I hated the people that lived there, I hated the place itself. I couldn't wait to get out of there.

I was so sure Sophie was going to come with us. She didn't want me to leave her, but she refused to move. She said she couldn't leave her friends, or her school. Most importantly, she couldn't leave dad all alone.

Watching her tear-stained face get smaller and smaller as we drove away was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. I wanted nothing more than to leap from the car and run back to her. I wanted to engulf her in my arms and tell her that I would never leave her.

But I had to. This was what was best for me.

I stared at the other half of my pinboard, the empty side. I wondered what or who would fill those empty spaces.

A yawn escaped through my lips. It was just after 10 o'clock but I was already exhausted. Without even bothering to change into pyjamas, I fell into a deep sleep, dreaming of what the next day would hold.

When We Were Younger (you me at six)Where stories live. Discover now