If I'm James Dean, Then You're Audrey Hepburn

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Seriously though, I know it's not a lot compared to what some people get but I posted this story expecting maybe one or two hundred reads at most. But five?! That's amazing.

So this chapter is dedicated to every single one of you who are reading this, you're all the coolest people in the world.

Enjoy and please, if you think it deserves it, comment or vote? :)


Being on tour was easily the best experience I had ever had. I got to spend all day, every day with my best friends, just listening to them play music.

It wasn't easy at some points. There were little arguments, sometimes we didn't have a place to stay and lugging all the equipment around was a fucking pain.

But it was all worth it.

The look of pure and utter joy on each of the guy's faces when they played was a look I'll never forget. They immersed themselves in the music. Anyone could see how much they put in to each and every performance.

The worst thing about this tour was that not nearly enough people came to the shows. They hadn't been expecting many people but some nights, they were lucky to get anyone. I was so disappointed that people had missed out on this golden opportunity to witness You Me At Six in their early days, as I was certain they were going to be huge.

Tonight was one of those nights. We were in Newport, at a venue called TJ's. I was standing at the side of the stage alongside the bar manager, as we waited patiently for them to begin their set. I peeped my head around the corner to size up the crowd.

There were two people standing awkwardly in the centre of the room.


Max, Chris, Matt, Dan and Josh were in their group huddle which they did before every gig. They broke apart and Josh bounded towards me, placing a kiss on my cheek.

"Good luck tonight, although you don't need it. You're always incredible," I stated as I gazed deep in to his eyes.

"Thank you. Hayley, I-" He cut himself short and began to chew on his bottom lip nervously. "Never mind, I've thought of a better way to do it," he said cryptically.

"Do what?"

"You'll see soon enough," he winked before following the rest of the band and bounding on stage. I could see the disappointment flash across each of their features for a moment as they realised just how small a crowd they were playing to. Josh quickly replaced it with a confident look as he brought the microphone to his lips.

"Well I guess this is what you call an 'intimate gig'. Thanks for coming, we are You Me At Six."

With that brief introduction, they launched straight in to Take Off Your Colours. They played song after song. I danced and sang along at the side to every word. The two people in the crowd seemed to be enjoying themselves.

Their set had to be almost finished, I didn't know what else they had to play. As if he could read my mind, Josh opened his mouth once more, the sound of his wonderful voice filling the room.

"This is going to be our last song of the evening. I wrote this for a very special girl. She means the world to me. I don't care if we're only young, it doesn't change the way I feel about you. It's called Always Attract. Hayley, this one's for you. I love you."

"If it hurts this much,

Then it must be love."

He loved me.

When We Were Younger (you me at six)Where stories live. Discover now