Tigers and Sharks

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I'm currently in a car on the way to Newcastle and I am incredibly bored, so I wrote this. Idk, I might even get another chapter up if I'm still this bored later on.

Hope you enjoy,

Jenna :)


"Get in there Dan!" I shouted across the bus. I could feel Josh's body vibrate as he chuckled. Dan flipped me off and stared uneasily at the drunk old man who had passed out over his lap. The edge of the old man's bushy beard was dangerously close to his crotch area.

We were on the bus on the way back to Surrey. Nearly all of the room was taken up by the equipment, causing Dan to have to sit next to a stranger who smelled distinctly like cider and urine. I rested my head in the crook of Josh's neck and snuggled into him. He placed a kiss on the top of my head.

"Mm, I'm so tired," I mumbled. We had spent the previous night in a club to celebrate the end of the tour. Somehow we had managed to get in even though we were all underage.

"Go to sleep," Josh whispered back."Well be home by the time you wake up." I smiled at the thought, I couldn't wait to see my mum.

My eyelids fluttered shut and I drifted off into a world of dreams, although most of my dreams consisted of Josh and I together.

"We have to go. Pack your bags, we're leaving now." The words appeared to come out of my mum's mouth but I couldn't believe she was saying them. It didn't sound like her voice yet it was her lips that were moving.

"What? Where are we going?" I was so confused.

"We're moving, far away from here."

"No, what about Josh? I'm not leaving him." I said adamantly.

"You're never going to see that boy again," she snarled. Suddenly, Josh appeared. I reached out my hand for him but my mother pulled me away.

"Josh! Don't let her take me!" I screamed but I was already too far away for him to do anything.

"Hayley!" he screamed. Tears were flowing down my cheeks and my mother's cruel laughter echoed through my mind. "Hayley! Wake up. We're home."

My eyes jerked open and I sighed deeply. None of it was real, I was still on the bus with Josh. "Hayley, are you okay? You're shaking."

"I'm fine, I just had a nightmare," I whispered and flung my arms around him. The dream felt so real, I needed to hold Josh and know that he was still there.

"Shh, it's okay. You're fine now. What was your dream about?" Concern was etched over every feature of his face.

"You. I dreamt my mum took me away and you didn't stop her."

"Hey, look at me," he said and placed a finger underneath my chin. He tilted my head up so that we were gazing into each other's eyes. "I would never let anyone take you away from me. I'm not going anywhere. You're stuck with me for a long time."

"Promise?" I asked him.

"I promise," he said and crushed the distance between our lips. We were locked in a passionate embrace. I had never felt the need to have his lips against mine so strongly before. His tongue licked across my bottom lip and I granted him entrance. Our tongues danced around each others mouths, fighting for dominance. Eventually, I gave out and succumbed to him. He grinned slightly into the kiss.

"Oi you two lovebirds, get your arses off this bus before it drives away with you," Matt shouted from outside. His head popped around the door and he winked playfully at us, a stupid grin on his face.

Josh sighed and reluctantly stood up. I followed suit, grabbing some of the last pieces of equipment and making my way off the bus. I stepped outside to be greeted by everyone's families. As I was a regular feature at all the boys' houses, I knew everyone's parents very well. I greeted them all with smiles and hello's, a hug when I reached Josh's sister, Elissa. Last but not least, I reached my mother. She gave me a watery smile, her eyes filling with tears, and flung her arms around my neck. I held her tiny frame close to me.

"I missed you Hayls. Welcome home," she sniffed and tried to wipe her tears away. My mum had always been an emotional woman. That was something I had inherited from her.

"I missed you too Mum." I could feel tears stinging at my own eyes and I tried to blink them away.

"C'mon, we best get home. I have some news for you."

"Sure, just let me say goodbye to the guys," I said. I let go of her and skipped over to where Max, Matt, Chris, Dan and Josh were all standing together. I ran and jumped on Chris' back. It took him by surprise, making him stumble a bit but he wrapped his hands around my thighs and managed to steady himself. "Au revoir mes amis, I'm off home."

"See you later Hayls," they chorused. One by one, they reached up and kissed my cheek. Josh was last. He kissed my lips, making me blush as I was still on Chris' back.

"I'll see you tomorrow babe, I'll come round to yours in the morning."

"I look forward to it," I said with a wink, causing him to chuckle. I tapped Chris on the shoulder and pointed back to my mum. "Onwards, mighty steed!" I shouted. He laughed and gave me a piggy back over to where my mother was standing waiting, laughing at the scene before her.

He placed me on my feet and enveloped me in a hug. "You make a pretty good horse Chris." I chuckled. "See you later."

"See you, Hayls."

I turned back to my mum and together we began to walk towards the car. I slipped into the front seat and slammed the door shut behind me. "So, what's this big news you have to tell me? Is it good news?"

"That depends," she said slowly.

"Mum, just tell me. What is it?"

"Y'know how the company I work for is associated with tons of charities? They have a new one that works with children in Africa and helps build schools, get clean water, build hospitals and things like that. Well, my boss has offered me the chance to go to Africa next week. I would be working with the charity and they've said you can go with me. We won't have to pay a single penny, the company's paying for everything. You know that I've wanted to go to Africa my entire life. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity, Hayls."

"Mum, that's brilliant! We have to go! Oh my god, I have to phone Josh and tell him," I squealed. This was going to be an incredible experience.

"Hold on Hayley, there's one more thing you need to know before you tell him anything." Her grip on the steering wheel tightened, her eyes never flickered from the road once.

"What is it?" I asked warily.

"The trip is for five months."

When We Were Younger (you me at six)Where stories live. Discover now