Call That a Comeback

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We walked into the class a couple of minutes before the bell rang. Almost every seat was taken, apart from two at the back next to a group of boys. As we started walking towards the seats, one of the boys looked up and shouted out, "Alright Matt, who's the girl?"

"This, my dear Maximus, is Hayley. She's new here."

"Alright Hayley? I'm Max." The boy grinned at me and I smiled back at him. His spiky hair made him slightly resemble a hedgehog. "This is Dan and Chris." He gestured to the other two boys sitting next to him.

"Hey," I said as I sat down in a seat next to Dan.

"Where's Josh?" asked Matt. Chris rolled his eyes.

"Running late. Again. So Hayley, what made you move here? You're Scottish, right?"

I nodded. "Yeah I am. My um, my mum and dad got divorced and my mum wanted a fresh start. She decided to move here and I came with her. My dad and my little sister stayed in Glasgow." I smiled sadly. Dan opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by the arrival of the teacher.

"Right, settle down. This is only going to take a few minutes and then you can all go back to your pointless conversations about who's party you're all going to this weekend."

The chatter in the class died down as their attention was drawn to the front of the room. He quickly took attendance and read out a few announcements, all of which meant nothing to me. I could feel my eyelids getting heavier. My attention was beginning to wander when I finally heard something of interest to me.

"We have a new student today. Hayley, why don't you stand up and introduce yourself to the class. Tell us a bit about yourself."

I scowled and shakily rose from my chair. "Em, I'm Hayley Phillips, I just moved here from Glasgow, I'm seventeen and I love way too many bands." I immediately sat back down without waiting for a reaction from the class. I could sense the stares from almost everyone in the class and felt the colour rush to my cheeks.

"Right, well then. You can just talk until the bell rings."

I turned to face the guys again, still slightly red. "Well that was awkward."

They all laughed. "How do you like Weybridge so far then? asked Max.

"I only got here last night, but to be honest it seems pretty boring."

"That's only because you hadn't met us yet," Matt smirked at me and I chuckled.

"So what do you guys do for fun around here?"

"We're in band called You Me at Six. I play lead guitar, Max plays rhythm guitar, Matt plays bass and Dan's on drums." Chris grinned.

"Really? That's pretty cool. I'll have to hear you guys play sometime."

They all nodded enthusiastically. "You're a Blink fan?" Dan asked, looking at my t-shirt. I nodded and he smiled even wider. "I like this girl."

"I'm slightly in love with Travis Barker."

"Do you have a thing for drummers?" he questioned me, winking and raising his eyebrows. I shoved him playfully and laughed.

"It depends on the band. I usually prefer singers. I'd have to wait until I met your singer."

"That would be Josh then. Where the fuck is he any-," Max was cut off by the door opening. "Speak of the devil."

The teacher looked up from his desk and frowned, "Mr Franceschi, how nice of you to join us."

"Sorry sir."

He nodded, "Just sit down Josh."

I glanced up at him, he seemed pretty attractive. Dark brown, messy hair, blue eyes, tall, pretty skinny.

He had reached the back of the classroom where we were sitting. He stopped just in front of me, "You're in my seat."

I smirked. He was attractive but he seemed like an arrogant twat. "Well that's funny because I'm the one that's sitting and you're the one that's standing, so I'd say it's my seat. The floor looks pretty comfy if you want to claim that."

The other guys covered their mouths with their hands in an attempt to hide their laughter. I turned round to Dan and grinned at him. "Well it's definitely not the singer in your band I like."

When We Were Younger (you me at six)Where stories live. Discover now