You Always Have Your Way. For Now It's Too Soon For You To Say Will We Be Always

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"Mum!" I shrieked. "Help me!" Her loud footsteps echoed throughout the house as she stomped upstairs.

"What do you need my help w-" Her eyes widened as she took in the state of my room. "Hayley! What happened in here?"

I shrugged and tried to look as innocent as possible. "I couldn't find anything to wear." Clothes littered every inch of my room. Discarded t-shirts and jeans were hanging from my radiator, bed post and the lamp on my desk.

"I don't have a clue what to wear," I whined. She rolled her eyes and began sorting through my clothes.

"Where is Josh taking you?"

"I don't know! He hasn't said anything about where we're going." I sighed dramatically and flopped onto my bed.

"So why don't you just wear what you always do?"

"Because I always wear it, that's the point."

"And you always look beautiful." It was my turn to roll my eyes. She picked up a pair of denim high-waisted shorts, an American flag print top and my leather jacket. She thrust them at me and shoved me in the direction of the bathroom. "Go. Hurry up and get ready, Josh will be here soon."

I grabbed the clothes and grinned. "Have I ever told you I love you mother?"

"Not often enough." She smirked and gave me a final shove into the bathroom. I laughed and locked the door. Turning on the shower and stripping off my pyjamas, I jumped into the shower and squealed as the freezing water hit my skin.

I pulled the straighteners through my hair one final time, making sure my dark hair was perfectly straight. I picked up my liquid eyeliner and quickly stroked it across my eyelids. The second I put the eyeliner down, the doorbell rang. "Perfect timing," I muttered.

"I'll get it!" my mum shouted up the stairs. I shoved my feet into my red vans and grabbed my jacket, shrugging it on. I grabbed my phone, replying to a couple of texts as I made my way down the stairs. The door to the living room was open and I could see my mother and Josh sitting on the couch chatting to each other. I walked into the room and Josh looked up at me. The second our eyes met he smiled his signature cheeky grin. "Hi," I said shyly, my eyes wandering down to stare at my feet.

"Hey beautiful," he said as he stood up. I could feel my cheeks heating up."We better get going." I nodded and walked towards the door.

"Bye mum," I called as I stepped outside. She mumbled something back but the door closing cut her off. "So, where are we going?" I asked. His hand swung forwards and caught my own, linking our fingers together. I smiled at our intertwined hands.

"I was thinking we could go see a movie and then I could show you around town or something. You haven't seen much, you've only been here a week."

I nodded, that sounded fun. "You and my mum seemed to be getting along pretty well. What were you talking about?"

"Oh nothing," he winked cheekily, making me groan.

"Oh god, you were talking about me weren't you? "

"It was nothing embarrassing, don't worry. Your mum's really nice. She cares about you a lot." He sounded so sincere, I could tell he meant it. I smiled shyly at him. We walked through the streets of Weybridge, talking about anything and everything. I had been worried that the funny, kind and sweet Josh from last night would have disappeared and the arrogant twat would be back. I had never been more happy to be proven wrong.

It appeared that although we were now no longer enemies, we were still complete opposites of each other. It seemed that there were very few, if any, things that we could agree on. We disagreed about everything from what flavour of popcorn to get to whether Batman or Spiderman was better.

"It has to be salty," he said adamantly. I shook my head vigorously.

"No, nothing beats sweet popcorn."


"Nope, Spiderman. Peter Parker is heavenl,." I said. He rolled his eyes at this. We disagreed about every little detail.

"Starbucks," he challenged.


"Toy Story."

"Finding Nemo."

"Fall Out Boy."


Once the movie had finished, we spent the entire afternoon wandering around aimlessly, arguing about everything. Every time we disagreed about something, I would become stubborn and defensive.

"Are you always going to have to get your own way?" He moaned as we sat down on a bench in a park.

"That depends." I said mysteriously.


"Is there going to be an 'always' for us?"

He was silent for a moment as he thought it over. "I think for now, it's too soon to tell but I hope there will."

I smiled and leaned over and kissed him. Once again, I felt sparks igniting a fire inside me. His tongue licked across my bottom lip, begging for entrance. I denied him at first, making his tongue become more forceful. Eventually, I caved in and granted him access to the rest of my mouth. I could feel the heat and desire between the two of us. It didn't matter that we were in the middle of a public park, I didn't care if anyone saw us. The only thing I wanted was to feel his lips on mine, nothing else mattered.

When We Were Younger (you me at six)Where stories live. Discover now