Kiss and Tell

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Something vibrated against my leg and I groaned and pulled away. I pulled out my phone at the same time as Josh.

"Matt," I said as I looked at the screen.

"Max," he replied. "I'm late for band practice. Shit, I forgot about that."

"I did too. I'm supposed to be coming to hear you play."

He stood up from the bench and pulled me up. "Then we best get going."

As we walked through the streets, an idea came in to my head. "You didn't tell the guys about last night did you?" I asked and he shook his head. "Good. I was thinking, why don't we have a little fun with them?"

"What kind of fun?" He seemed intrigued.

"We act as if nothing has changed between, as if we still hate each other's guts. And then we can see their reactions when we randomly start making out in the middle of an argument."

He laughed and nodded his head. "The look on their faces will be priceless."

We wandered hand in hand towards Dan's house. Once we reached his front door, I paused. "We better not go in together. I'll go in now, follow me in a minute. Oh and if I insult you or something, I don't mean it."

"I know you don't. I don't either. Now go." He pecked my cheek and pushed me towards the door. I walked inside and found them all sitting in the living room.

"Alright lads," I said as I walked into the room.

"Hayley!" yelled Matt as he attacked me with a hug. "How was last night?"

I shifted uncomfortably. "Erm, I'll tell you later after practice. I want to hear you guys play!"

"Well we would if Josh would hurry up and get his fat arse here," Dan muttered, scowling at the floor. Time to play your part Hayley, make it convincing, I thought.

I rolled my eyes. "Is the drama queen late? Of course he is, he probably burnt his finger straightening his hair."

The front door slammed shut, announcing Josh's arrival. He walked into the room, his eyes on the floor. "Sorry I'm late, I-" he scowled as his gaze settled on me. "What's she doing here?"

"She is our friend Josh and she's come to hear our band play, so just shut the fuck up and start singing." I smiled thankfully at Chris and he returned it.

"Fine, she can stay," he mumbled."What are we doing first?"

"Sugar, We're Going Down and then Kiss and Tell." Max replied. Josh nodded and took his place in front of the microphone. Dan started the drum beat, quickly followed by the guitars. Josh opened his mouth and the sound of his voice filled the room. This was one of my all time favourite songs. I didn't think I could enjoy anyone except Patrick Stump singing it, but Josh's voice was incredible. I was mesmerized by it.

The song finished and I applauded them. They all smiled gratefully before launching straight into the next song. I wasn't familiar with it, it must be one of their own.

"You're so good, you're so bad, that everybody wants to be your man."

I couldn't stop smiling throughout their performance, they were brilliant. I was officially You Me At Six's biggest fan. As the song finished, I leapt up and was engulfed in a hug with Matt, Max and Chris.

"You guys are fucking brilliant! How are you not playing sold out tours yet?" I squealed.

"You mean it?" Max asked me.

"Of course I do, Maximus. Trust me, you guys are going to be huge one day." The three of them kissed my cheek and then let go of me. I turned to Josh and winked at him. It was time to let the boys know Josh and I were...what was the right word for us? Together, I suppose? "Although Franceschi here isn't the best singer I've ever heard." That was possibly one of the biggest lies I had ever told.

He moved closer to me. "Oh yeah? I suppose you think you're a better a singer?"

"Maybe I do." With every word we moved closer and closer to each other.

"Oh please, cats probably run away covering their ears when you sing."

By now we were pressed right against each other, our noses almost touching. "What's it going to take for you to shut up Franceschi?"

"A kiss," he muttered and before I could stop him, our lips had connected. From the gasps that echoed around the room, I could tell that everyone had been watching our little encounter. I smiled into the kiss and felt Josh do the same. We broke apart and turned to face the others. Most of them looked quite shocked, although Dan was scowling and Max looked as if he had just won the lottery.

"Care to explain yourselves?" he asked. I looked up at Josh and bit my lip.

"Erm, a bunch of stuff happened at the party last night and Hayley and I realised we don't hate each other. Long story short, we're together now." Josh quickly explained. He leaned down and kissed my forehead. I could feel myself blushing.

"I knew it! C'mon, pay up Dan." Max held out his hand.

"Oh fuck you two, you just lost me twenty quid." Dan scowled and reached into his back pocket, pulling out two ten pound notes. I stared at them both, my eyebrows raised slightly. Dan sighed as he handed the money over. "Maxie here was convinced you two would get together eventually but I was the only one stupid enough to take him up on a bet."

I burst out laughing and shook my head at the boys. Matt walked forwards and engulfed me in a hug, soon followed by everyone else, which turned it into a massive group hug. "I'm happy for you Hayls. You too, Joshy," he mumbled. His mouth was squished against Josh's shoulder.

"Thanks Matt," I said as I managed to wriggle out of the group hug. I stepped back and my eyes wandered around the room, looking at all the people I cared about. I was happy too.


BOOOOOM! Two updates in one day *ninja level up*

Anywhoo, if you comment or vote or fan I'll love you forever and I'll send you a free invisible llama or cake. It's your choice.

I'd choose the llama, just saying.

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