Always Attract

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Sorry it's been a few days but I think this chapter is quite long, so that should make up for it, right?

Anyway, if you like it please vote or comment or something. I love hearing what you guys think of my writing, even if it's negative. It's all helps me to improve.

So yeah, enjoy! :)


Sunlight streamed in through the window, the morning sun dancing around the room. I blinked sleepily and rolled onto my side, trying to block out the light. My eyelids fluttered opened and saw a pair of gorgeous blue eyes staring back. Memories of the previous night flashed through my mind and I felt my cheeks begin to heat up.

Josh's signature cheeky grin flashed across his features and he chuckled. "Morning."

"Mmm, good morning. Last night was..."

"Amazing? Wonderful? Heavenly?" He grinned and scrunched up his eyebrows. I rolled my eyes and shoved him. I couldn't help but laugh at the hurt puppy dog expression on his face.

"Unexpected." I stuck my tongue out at him and he began to tickle me. "Ahh, stop it, please!"

"Only if you kiss me," he said and leant his forehead against my own.

"Because that would be torture," I said sarcastically. He chuckled and before I could move, he closed the distance between us, so that we were locked in a passionate embrace.

With the timing only a parent can achieve, my mum walked into the room, only to find her daughter lying in bed with her boyfriend, wearing his t-shirt whilst he remained shirtless. "Hayls, what do you want for breakfast?" she asked as she opened the door. Josh and I quickly jumped apart as she entered the room. She appeared startled when she noticed the unexpected guest in my bed. "Oh, um, hello Josh. I didn't realise you were here." She gave me a pointed stare and I cringed.

"Good morning Jackie," he replied sheepishly.

"I'll just go and make you two some breakfast, shall I? I expect you'll have worked up an appetite," she said with a wink as she walked out the room. I groaned and felt my face heat up with embarrassment. Josh roared with laughter beside me.

"Oh my god, I love your mum. She's brilliant."

"She's embarrassing!" I groaned and stuffed my head into a pillow.

"It could have been worse. She could have gone mental at you for having a boy in your room," he stated.

"You're not just a boy. You're never going to be just a boy to me. You'll always mean so much more than that to me," I whispered. I had never been good at expressing my feelings. It made me feel vulnerable. I had been thinking for the last few days and I was pretty sure I loved Josh but I was terrified to tell him incase he didn't feel the same way. I was going to wait until he said it first.

"And you'll never be just a girl to me." Our hands linked underneath the covers and I smiled. The idea that one person could make me feel so happy just by saying a few words was crazy, but it was true. I had never been as happy as I was with Josh.

The sound of bacon sizzling in the pan made its way up the stairs and out stomachs growled in unison. We stared at each other in shock for a moment before we burst out laughing, clutching our rumbling bellies.

"We better go get food before our stomachs eat themselves," I said as I got out of the bed and stretched, Josh's t-shirt riding up and exposing the skin around my waist. I heard him moan and I smirked slightly. It was exciting to know I had this kind of effect on him, he certainly had the same one on me.

When We Were Younger (you me at six)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin